Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 8:27 am

Omnicron Alpha Graveyard = FUN!

I know this is a spoiler forum, but this is a pretty major spoiler (not plot related, but system related). Just fair warning.
So I'm in the middle of the campaign, and so far what I've been doing is, for each story mission, I explore COMPLETELY 3-5 whole systems. (That way by the end of the game, I'll have most all of it explored and won't lose interests JUST exploring).

Anyways, I decided to be more daring and explore the Tau systems, eventually finding my way to Omicron Alpha. (I'm before mission 8 in the storyline, and my ship is a Bounty Hunter Barracuda, so it's a VERY tough system, though currently I'm neutral with the Outcasts, so I'm okay). Anyways, I'm exploring, and I make my way to a nebula (Siniestre Cloud). I always do a thorough sweep of any fields I find looking for jump holes and hidden ships.

So I start going through this one, and I spot (on sensors) a derelict Outcast ship. SWEET. unknown jump hole too. Wait...some more derelict ships. What the? MORE? My sensor display is filling up with them! JACKPOT! So I start looting them, and a red blip appears on my radar. Nomad? What's tha...? *BOOM* Two or three shots with whatever weapon they have, and my (very well-equipped, very tough) ship is gone. I played this same scenario 3 or 4 times, and I FINALLY looted these ships by RUNNING LIKE HELL as soon as Nomads appeared and praying I could dodge their shots. *pants* I FINALLY did it, too (though I lost a weapon and a wing, and had almost no shield batteries at all left). My strategy was simply going in, shooting the ships and tractoring stuff if they dropped any (I'd take the health on each down all the way, so I'd know it was done next time I swept through), and then getting out of there when Nomads appeared. All in all, there were 25 derelict Outcast ships around that jump hole. Only a few (maybe 4) have anything on them, but what they DO have is AWESOME stuff. I sold stuff I knew I'd never use (mostly redundant non-guns), and my net worth jumped to more than double! This is the type of experience that makes this game so much fun (and the type of experience those just completing the campaign are likely missing). That was the most challenging thing I've done so far!

Anyways, just thought I'd share.

Edited by - guptasa1 on 27-04-2003 09:38:45