Post Thu Apr 24, 2003 1:26 am

Wanted: Commodities index - Trading Helper

It would be a really nice thing to have an index of all the bases buy/sell prices for all commodities, maybe something similar to the Equipment Shopping Guide written by preacher. It would also be something that would be a great addition to Freelancer Trading Helper.

Also if the author of FTH reads this, here are some suggestions for additions/modifications to your java app (if you want them).

- Like I said above, a buy/sell price index for each base.
- The ability to show more than just the most profitable route when the route is calculated.
- Ability to choose the start and/or finish point for the rout to be calculated.
- Although it would involve quite a bit more calculation code I am sure, the addition of the ability to make multi-stop trade routes would be pretty awesome (i.e.: select N.Berlin, S13, N.Tokyo, Leeds, N.York and have the best trades from a start point through the loop back to the starting system, I always find those routes fun.)

Don't know if you are looking for comments of this nature, so if no pay no heed, I'm not complaining or anything, and the app. is of great use to me

Edited by - getdown on 24-04-2003 02:32:48