I dumped that stoopid looking bretonian P.O.S. soon as I could
get my hands on a Cuda. Great ship. It's very important to
consider a ship's Optimal wapon rating. Tells you how long
the guns can fire. Don't sink a lot of money in a light fighter.
Shield upgrades can't be used in later ships, for example.
"Got anything for me?" - Trent, A.K.A. 'Mr. Eloquent'
get my hands on a Cuda. Great ship. It's very important to
consider a ship's Optimal wapon rating. Tells you how long
the guns can fire. Don't sink a lot of money in a light fighter.
Shield upgrades can't be used in later ships, for example.
"Got anything for me?" - Trent, A.K.A. 'Mr. Eloquent'