Tue Apr 15, 2003 1:42 pm by Captain Nemo
there is a good dissertation about Fast/Most Profitbale trade routes in another thread called ANOTHER TRADE ROUTE by JWORLEY.
Basically, because time is money, we need to measure a trade route profitability in terms of how much we can make over a finite period of time, rather than how much we can make in one round trip.
The consensus seems to be that we should measure profitability in terms of Cargo Unit per minute (or total nett profit per hour) to keep everything consistent; for example:
If you make a total 500k nett profit for a round trip carrying 275 units each way (of whatever you choose) and the round trip takes 30 minutes, the profit you make is 1 Million per hour (500k * 2 round trips per hour), your profit per Cargo Unit per Minute is 60.60 (i.e. 500,000 / 275 / 30).
If you make a total 250k nett profit for a round trip carrying 275 units each way (of whatever you choose) and the round trip takes 12 minutes, the profit you make is 1.25 Million per hour (250K * 5 round trips per hour), your profit per Cargo Unit per Minute is 75.75 (i.e 250,000 / 275 /12)
As you can see, the first route is more profitable for a single run, but over the same period of time you earn more with the second.
Do not follow me, I am lost too[!