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Complete reputation checks and balances ****MASSIVE SPOILERS

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Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 10:34 pm

Complete reputation checks and balances ****MASSIVE SPOILERS

Hello all,

Been lurking for a while, and noticed that most of you seem to be
having trouble with faction reps and all (Case in point: Zoner

I ran into the same problem too. At the time, I was making a list
for role-playing purposes, so I modified it to help myself. While
bits and pieces of the info I'm about to give have been posted
elsewhere, I've not yet seen a complete list.

All the information I gathered from in-game and the use of
initialworld.ini and empathy.ini (btw...a huge thanks to the author
of myself a few hours work in trying to decode .INI
files for myself). I hope this list will be useful to those of us
who don't like to use bribes to improve faction rating.

As an example of how my list works, here's the specific entry
for the Zoners faction. To cut down on spam (i.e. the displaying
of the first post on every new page), I'll give the explanation in
the next post.

(first posting, so don't know if I'm doing this right...just in
case, the stuff below best viewed with fixed width font )

<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>

Name: Zoners (Zoners)
Type: Independent Organization
HQ: Freeport 1, Omega-3 (Best Guess)
Bases: Ames Research Station, Kepler
Freeport 1, Omega-3
Freeport 2, Bering
Freeport 5, Omega-41
Freeport 6, Tau-29
Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Freeport 10, Tau-37
Armaments: Photon weapons (strong vs. Positron, weak vs. Graviton)
Molecular shields
Allies: none
Friendly: Independent Miners' Guild
Synth Foods, Inc.
Unfriendly: none
Enemies: none
Sympathy: All Independent Organizations
Liberty Criminals (except Liberty Rogues)
Antipathy: none
Notes: Zoner weapons have greater range, but have slower fire rates


(to be continued)

Edit: Messed up on initial poster...still a bit wet behind the ears!

Edited by - Haenlomal on 31-03-2003 23:36:44

Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 10:40 pm

Most of the fields in the example above are self-explanatory, but a few
of them needs clarifying.


This is one of:
Security (military and police), corporations, criminals,
scavengers (Hogosha and Junkers), pirates (Corsairs and Outcasts),
or Independent Organization (IMG, GMG, Bounty Hunters, Zoners).
I found that by classifying them like this, I save myself a ton of typing!

HQ: Where the faction's organizational HQ. In most cases, the game
itself gives that info right out in base descriptions, rumors, etc.
However, in some cases, like for the Zoners, I had to make an educated
guess. I picked Freeport 1 because that was the first base opened by Zoners
in the Sirius Sector (this is an admittedly shaky basis!). This field is
really for my own role-playing purposes, so feel free to ignore it if you
feel it's totally wrong.

Now for the part that is most related to faction reputations (taken from

Allies/Friendly/Unfriendly/Enemies: Self-explanatory, but for the fact that
the information listed in-game does not necessarily reflect the true state
of things found in game files! Even worse, the information listed only gives
you Allies and Enemies...but not Friendlies and Unfriendlies! To appreciate
the differences, I'll go through each four step by step.

Allies: Those that are totally friendly to this faction. For example, at
the start of the game, you are totally friendly with the LSF.

Friendly: Those that are not neutral or hostile towards this faction, but
are not allies. A good example of this would be the attitude of
many Liberty corporations towards you at the start of the game.
They are "green" with you, but not all the way "green" like the
LSF. Note that this information is usually *NOT* listed in the
game. Most of these "friendlies" are pretty logical if you think
about it and you have been "alert" (i.e. you actually pay *CLOSE*
attention to the news reports and rumors found in the game -- which
I admit very few of us do). Nonetheless, the list of friendlies
might contain a few surprises -- either because an unexpected faction
is on the friendlies list, or else a faction that you expect to
be there turns out to be absent!

Unfriendly: Those that are not hostile towards this faction, but definitely
don't like it. An example of this would the the attitude of
the Junkers towards you at the beginning of the game. This
setting mainly determines whether or not a criminal faction
would shoot at this faction on sight. If they are enemies, it
will be shoot on sight. If only unfriendly, they will make a
demand to drop cargo first (if any is being carried). This applies
to you too, btw....if you are carrying cargo through territories
being held by a criminal faction unfriendly towards you, it won't
shoot you on sight, but it might ask you to drop your cargo. As
with the Friendlies, this information is not available in-game,
but you can make pretty logical guesses...

Enemies: Those that would shoot members of this faction on sight. An example
of this relationship would be the hatred that the Liberty Rogues
have for you at the beginning of the game.

If a faction is not listed under any of the four categories above, then it is
truly neutral towards that faction. An example of this would be the attitude
of Synth Foods, Inc. towards you at the very beginning of the game. Aside
from the missing in-game info, still pretty standard stuff...

Refering back to the Zoners, we see that they have no allies or enemies,
as stated by the information we find in-game. We also see that no one
is unfriendly towards them. However, we see that they are friendly towards
Synth Foods and the IMG. This is unexpected, but not surprising if you
consider the Zoners' reliance on Synth Food biodomes and their philosophical
similiarities with the IMG. As an aside, if one faction holds a certain
attitude towards another faction, you'll find that the "feeling is mutual"
in the other faction's list.

Here's where faction rep gets really interesting, the information from

Sympathy: Factions whose opinion of you will improve if you do good things for
this factions. Conversely, if you do bad things to this faction,
then the factions on the sympathy list will start to hate you more.
However, not all factions are equal...doing good things to this
faction may make factions A and B like you more....but maybe a lot
more for faction A, and only a little bit more for faction B. The
exact factor are found in empathy.ini, so refer to that if you
really want to get the nitty-gritty details.

Antipathy: The exact opposite of sympathy

Again, if a faction is not listed under either category, then they are truly
neutral. As an example, notice that the Liberty Navy is not on either list.
Therefore, if you keep on blasting Zoners to kingdom come, the Liberty Navy
will not care one bit or change their opinion of you. Conversely, you won't
earn brownie points with the Liberty Navy either if you keep on helping the
Zoners. And again, if one faction is holds a certain empathy towards
another faction, you will find that the same feeling is returned by the
other faction, and with the same weight (i.e. the corresponding numbers in
empathy.ini are the same).

Speaking of the Zoners, notice that no one really hates them (i.e. on the
antipathy list), which makes sense. They have the sympathy of all the
Independent Organizations, which are the IMG, the GMG, and the Bounty
Hunter's Guild. This is not too surprising, since they share similar
philosophical thoughts to the IMG and GMG, and there is one rumor found
in-game that a lot of potential Zoners would end up not joining the Zoners,
but become Bounty Hunters instead. What's surprising, though, is the fact
that they have the sympathy of the Unioners, the Lane Hackers, and
especially the Xenos!! And if we look at the Xenos, we find that the
Xenos have the sympathy of the Zoners. In fact, if we look at the numbers
carefully, we find that the Xenos have the top numbers for sympathy with
the Zoners, and we also find that the reverse is true! This explains why
some of you have been finding your Zoners' reputation dropping when you
slaughter Xenos to try to improve your reputation. Note that the same
thing happens when you kill Bounty Hunters, but to a lesser degree, since
their "number" found in empathy.ini is 3 times smaller than the Xenos'

Edit: I can tolerate minor spelling and grammatical errors, but some were
far from minor...

Edited by - Haenlomal on 01-04-2003 17:32:28

Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 10:45 pm

Ok, here's the listing.

(Note: when I list "Civilian Standard" under armaments, I mean that the
faction uses laser weapons and have graviton shields...yes, I know the
freighters do carry different shield types, but I didn't want to get that
detailed. )

<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>

Name: Ageira Technologies (Ageira)
Type: Liberty Corporation
HQ: Planet Los Angeles, California
Bases: Detroit Munitions, New York
Pueblo Station, Colorado
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Liberty Corporations (except Synth Foods, Inc)
Liberty Security
Gateway Shipping
Friendly: none
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals (except Lane Hackers)
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Farmers' Alliance
Enemies: Lane Hackers
Sympathy: Liberty Corporations (except Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines)
Liberty Security
Antipathy: Liberty Criminals
Notes: none

Name: ALG Waste Disposal (ALG)
Type: Rheinland Corporation
HQ: Dortmund Station, New Berlin (Best Guess)
Bases: Dortmund Station, New Berlin
Helgoland Station, Sigma-13
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Rheinland Security
Gateway Shipping
Kruger Minerals
Friendly: Bretonian Security
Liberty Security
Independent Miners' Guild
Republican Shipping
Universal Shipping
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals (except Xenos)
Farmers' Alliance
Gas Miners' Guild
Enemies: Xenos
Sympathy: House Security (except Bretonian Security)
Rheinland Corporations
Antipathy: Pirates
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Liberty Rogues
Notes: none

Name: Blood Dragons (Dragons)
Type: Kusari Criminal
HQ: Kyoto Base, Chugoku
Bases: Kyoto Base, Chugoku
Armaments: Laser weapons (strong vs. Positron, weak vs. Graviton)
Graviton shields
Allies: Golden Chrysthanthemums
Friendly: none
Unfriendly: Outcasts
Enemies: Kusari Security
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Farmers Alliance
Samura Industries
Sympathy: Bretonian Criminals
Rheinland Criminals (except LWB )
Gas Miners' Guild
Golden Chrysthanthemums
Antipathy: Kusari Corporations
Kusari Security
Liberty Criminals
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Farmers' Alliance
Deep Space Engineering
Interspace Commerce
Notes: none

Name: Borderworld Exports (Bowex)
Type: Bretonian Corporation
HQ: Glasglow Outpost, Leeds (Best Guess)
Bases: Glasglow Outpost, Leeds
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Bretonian Security
Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing
Planetform, Inc.
Friendly: House Security (except Bretonian Security)
Interspace Commerce
Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals (except Xenos)
Rheinland Criminals (excpet Bundschuh)
Farmers' Alliance
Enemies: Mollys
Sympathy: House Security (except Rheinland Security)
Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing
Planetform, Inc.
Antipathy: Bretonian Criminals
Liberty Criminals
Independent Miners' Guild
Red Hessians
Notes: There are conflicting in-game information as to current location of
Bowex's HQ -- There is no question that Glasglow Outpost did serve as the
corporate HQ, but is it still the corporate HQ, or has it been moved to Planet New
London? To be "safe", I've decided that Bowex is currently "transitioning" their
HQ, so for now, Glasglow Outpost still remains as their official corporate HQ,
hence the "best guess"
"Proper" name of corporation is now Bowex Shipping Company, but NPCs still use the old Borderworld Exports name

Name: Bounty Hunters' Guild (Bounty Hunters)
Type: Independent Organization (Liberty)
HQ: Planet Houston, Texas
Bases: Deshima Station, Shiko ku
Sheffield Station, Manchester
Armaments: Laser weapons (strong vs. Positron, weak vs. Graviton)
Molecular shields
Allies: none
Friendly: none
Unfriendly: Scavengers
Farmers' Alliance
Enemies: All Criminals (except Farmers' Alliance)
Sympathy: House Security (excpet Kusari State Police)
Daumann Heavy Construction
Kruger Minerals
Antipathy: Bretonian Criminals
Liberty Criminals
Rheinland Criminals (except LWB )
Blood Dragons
Notes: Bounty Hunter weapons have better range, but are less damaging and energy efficient

Name: Bretonian Armed Forces (Armed Forces)
Type: Bretonian Security
HQ: Planet New London, New London
Bases: Battleship Essex, Dublin
Battleship Norfolk, Cambridge
Battleship Suffolk, New London
Battleship York, Leeds
Armaments: Tacyhon weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Positron shields
Allies: Bretonian Corporations (except Gateway Shipping)
Bretonian Police Authority
Friendly: Kusari Corporations
Liberty Corporations (except Ageira Technologies)
ALG Waste Disposal
Gateway Shipping
Republican Shipping
Unfriendly: none
Enemies: Bretonian Criminals
Liberty Criminals
Red Hessians
Sympathy: Bretonian Corporations
Kusari Corporations
Liberty Corporations (except Ageira Technologies and Synth Foods, Inc.)
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Bretonian Police Authority
Daumann Heavy Construction
Republican Shipping
Antipathy: Bretonian Criminals
Notes: none

Name: Bretonian Mining and Minerals (BMM)
Type: Bretonian Corporation
HQ: Thames Outpost, New London
Bases: Birmingham Station, Manchester
Douglas Station, Omega-3
Graves Station, Dublin
LD-14, Leeds
Southampton Shipyard, New London
Stokes Mining Station, Leeds
Tau-31 Construction Site, Tau-23
Thames Outpost, New London
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Bretonian Corporations (except Gateway Shipping)
Bretonian Security
Friendly: Kusari Security
Liberty Security
Universal Shipping
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals (except Xenos)
Farmers' Alliance
Red Hessians
Enemies: Bretonian Criminals
Sympathy: Bretonian Corporations
Bretonian Security
Deep Space Engineering
Antipathy: Bretonian Criminals
Independent Miners' Guild
Red Hessians
Notes: none

Name: Bretonian Police Authority (Police)
Type: Security (Bretonia)
HQ: Planet New London, New London
Bases: Aberdeen Border Station, Edinburgh
BPA Newgate, Manchester
Durham Border Station, Leeds
Kingston Border Station, Manchester
Liverpool Border Station, Manchester
Planet Cambridge, Cambridge
Planet Leeds, Leeds
Planet New London, New London
Armaments: Tacyhon weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Positron shields
Allies: Bretonian Corporations (except Gateway Shipping)
Bretonian Armed Forces
Friendly: Kusari Corporations
Liberty Corporations (except Ageira Technologies and Deep Space Engineering)
Liberty Security
ALG Waste Disposal
Gateway Shipping
Republican Shipping
Unfriendly: none
Enemies: Bretonian Criminals
Liberty Criminals
Red Hessians
Sympathy: Bretonian Corporations
Kusari Corporations
Liberty Corporations (except Ageira Technologies and Synth Foods, Inc.)
Bretonian Armed Forces
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Republican Shipping
Antipathy: Bretonian Criminals
Lane Hackers
Notes: none

Name: Bundschuh (Bundschuh)
Type: Rheinland Criminal
HQ: Bruchsal Base, Frankfurt
Bases: Bruchsal Base, Frankfurt
Armaments: Tacyhon weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Positron shields
Allies: none
Friendly: LWB
Unfriendly: Outcasts
Enemies: Rheinland Security
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Daumann Heavy Construction
Gas Miners' Guild
Kruger Minerals
Sympathy: Bretonian Criminals
Rheinland Criminals (except LWB )
Blood Dragons
Gas Miners' Guild
Antipathy: Liberty Criminals
Rheinland Corporations (except ALG Waste Disposal)
Rheinland Security
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Notes: Bundschuh weapons inflict more damage, but have reduced fire rates

Name: Corsairs (Corsairs)
Type: Pirate
HQ: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma
Bases: Cadiz Base, Omega-5
Leon Base, Omega-41
Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma
Tripoli Shipyards, Omicron Gamma
Armaments: Neutron weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Positron shields
Allies: none
Friendly: none
Unfriendly: House Corporations
Enemies: House Security
All Independent Organizations (except Zoners)
Farmers' Alliance
Red Hessians
Sympathy: Scavengers
Antipathy: All Independent Organizations (except Zoners)
Bretonian Corporations (excpet Planetform, Inc.)
Bretonian Security
Kusari Corporations
Rheinland Corporations (except Kruger Minerals)
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Deep Space Engineering
Interspace Commerce
Kusari State Police
Red Hessians
Universal Shipping
Notes: Corsair weapons have better range and damage, but uses more energy

Name: Cryer Pharmaceuticals (Cryer)
Type: Liberty Corporation
HQ: Planet Denver, Colorado
Bases: Atka Research Station, Sigma-17
Cambridge Research Station, Cambridge
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Liberty Corporations (except Deep Space Engineering and Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines)
Liberty Security
Friendly: House Security (except Liberty Security)
Gateway Shipping
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Farmers' Alliance
Enemies: Outcasts
Sympathy: House Security
Liberty Corporations
Antipathy: Liberty Criminals
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Notes: none

Name: Daumann Heavy Construction (Daumann)
Type: Rhienland Corporation
HQ: The Ring, New Berlin
Bases: Briesen Mining Facility, Omega-7
Leipzig Station, Dresden
Planet Holstein, Frankfurt
Rugen Station, Omega-3
Solarius Station, Omega-11
The Ring, New Berlin
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Republican Shipping
Rheinland Federal Police
Friendly: Rheinland Military
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals (except Xenos)
Farmers' Alliance
Gas Miners' Guild
Enemies: Bundschuh
Red Hessians
Sympathy: Rheinland Security
ALG Waste Disposal
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Bretonian Armed Forces
Republican Shipping
Antipathy: Bundschuh
Red Hessians
Notes: none

Name: Deep Space Engineering (DSE)
Type: Liberty Corporation
HQ: Planet Pittsburgh, New York
Bases: Baltimore Shipyards, New York
Chugoku Gate Construction Site, Hokkaido
Planet Pittsburgh, New York
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Liberty Corporations (except Cryer Pharmaceuticals and Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines)
Liberty Security (except Liberty Police, Inc.)
Friendly: Bretonian Armed Forces
Liberty Police, Inc.
Orbital Spa and Cruise
Planetform Inc.
Rheinland Military
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Farmers' Alliance
Enemies: Outcasts
Sympathy: House Security (except Rheinland Security)
Liberty Corporations (except Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines)
Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing
Antipathy: Kusari Criminals (except Farmers' Alliance)
Liberty Criminals
Red Hessians
Notes: none

Name: Farmers' Alliance (Alliance)
Type: Kusari Criminal
HQ: Kagoshima Depot, Kyushu
Bases: Kagoshima Depot, Kyushu
Armaments: Neutron weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Graviton shields
Allies: none
Friendly: none
Unfriendly: House Corporations (except Samura Industries and Synth Foods, Inc.)
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Enemies: Pirates
Blood Dragons
Synth Foods, Inc.
Sympathy: Gaians
Gas Miners' Guild
Samura Industries
Antipathy: Kusari Criminals
Liberty Criminals (except Lane Hackers)
Interspace Commerce
Kishiro Technologies
Kusari State Police
Synth Foods, Inc.
Universal Shipping
Notes: Farmers' Alliance weapons are more energy efficient, but have a slower rate of fire
Farmers' Alliance weapons are improperly labelled as belonging to the LWB

Name: Gaians (Gaians)
Type: Bretonian Criminal
HQ: Islay Base, Edinburgh
Bases: Islay Base, Edinburgh
Armaments: Photon weapons (strong vs. Positron, weak vs. Graviton)
Graviton shields
Allies: none
Friendly: none
Unfriendly: Borderworld Exports
Enemies: Bretonian Security
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing
Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines
Planetform, Inc.
Sympathy: Kusari Criminals (except Golden Chrysanthemums)
Rheinland Criminals (except Red Hessians)
Antipathy: Bretonian Corporations
Bretonian Security
Liberty Criminals (except Lane Hackers)
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Independent Miners' Guild
Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines
Red Hessians
Notes: Gaian weapons more energy efficient, but have a slower rate of fire

Name: Gas Miners' Guild (GMG)
Type: Independent Organization (Kusari)
HQ: Gas Miner Naha, Sigma-13 (Best Guess)
Bases: Aomori Station, Honshu
Gas Miner Naha, Sigma-13
Gas Miner Ogashawa, Sigma-19
Armaments: Photon weapons (strong vs. Positron, weak vs. Graviton)
Graviton shields
Allies: none
Friendly: Kusari Corporations
Unfriendly: Rheinland Corporations (except Kruger Minerals)
Enemies: Pirates
Rheinland Criminals (except LWB )
Rheinland Security
Kruger Minerals
Sympathy: Kusari Corporations
Kusari Criminals
Kusari Security
Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines
Antipathy: Pirates
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Kruger Minerals
Notes: GMG weapons inflict more damage, but have a reduced range

Name: Gateway Shipping (Gateway)
Type: Bretonian Corporation
HQ: Kensington Shipping Platform, New London
Bases: Kensington Shipping Platform, New London
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Ageira Technologies
ALG Waste Disposal
Planetform, Inc.
Friendly: House Security
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Independent Miners' Guild
Interspace Commerce
Kruger Minerals
Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals (except Xenos)
Farmers' Alliance
Enemies: Xenos
Sympathy: House Security
Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing
Independent Miners' Guild
Interspace Commerce
Planetform, Inc.
Antipathy: Bretonian Criminals
Liberty Criminals (except Xenos)
Red Hessians
Notes: none

Name: Golden Chrysthanthemums (GC)
Type: Terrorist (Kusari)
HQ: Ainu Depot, Hokkaido
Bases: Ainu Depot, Hokkaido
Armaments: Photon Weapons (strong vs. Positron, weak vs. Graviton)
Graviton shields
Allies: Blood Dragons
Friendly: Outcasts
Unfriendly: none
Enemies: Kusari Security
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Samura Industries
Sympathy: Liberty Criminals (except Xenos)
Blood Dragons
Gas Miners' Guild
Antipathy: Kusari Corporations
Kusari Security
Deep Space Engineering
Farmers' Alliance
Interspace Commerce
Synth Foods, Inc.
Notes: GC weapons cause more damage, but have a reduced rate of fire

Name: Hogosha (Hogosha)
Type: Scavenger (Kusari)
HQ: Kabukicho Depot, New Tokyo
Bases: Kabukicho Depot, New Tokyo
Armaments: Plasma weapons (strong vs. Graviton, weak vs. Molecular)
Molecular shields
Allies: none
Friendly: none
Unfriendly: Bretonian Corporations (except Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing)
Liberty Corporations (except Ageira Technologies)
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Kishiro Technologies
Republican Shipping
Enemies: Kusari Criminals (except Farmers' Alliance)
Gas Miners' Guild
Sympathy: Corsairs
Farmers' Alliance
Samura Industries
Antipathy: Kusari Criminals (except Farmers' Alliance)
Rheinland Criminals (except LWB )
Gas Miners' Guild
Kishiro Technologies
Synth Foods, Inc.
Notes: Hogosha weapons have better firing rates, but have reduced range

Name: Independent Miners' Guild (IMG)
Type: Independent Organization (Bretonia)
HQ: Cardiff Mining Facility, Cambridge
Bases: Battleship Hood, Dublin
Cardiff Mining Facility, Cambridge
Falkland Base, Tau-37
Freeport 4, Magellen
Friestadt Outpost, Omega-7
Holman Outpost, Tau-31
Java Station, Tau-23
Armaments: Tacyhon weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Positron shields
Allies: none
Friendly: ALG Waste Disposal
Gateway Shipping
Unfriendly: none
Enemies: Pirates
Sympathy: Gateway Shipping
Lane Hackers
Planetform, Inc.
Antipathy: Pirates
Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing
Border World Exports
Notes: IMG weapons are more energy efficient, but not as damaging

Name: Interspace Commerce (Interspace)
Type: Liberty Corporation
HQ: Newark Station, New York (Best Guess)
Bases: Bonn Station, New Berlin
Newark Station, New York
Roppongi Station, New Tokyo
Waterloo Station, New London
Armaments: unknown
Allies: Liberty Corporations
Liberty Security (except Liberty Police, Inc.)
Friendly: Bretonian Security
Kusari Corporations
Border World Exports
Gateway Shipping
Liberty Police, Inc.
Republican Shipping
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals (except Lane Hackers)
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Farmers' Alliance
Enemies: Lane Hackers
Sympathy: House Security
Liberty Corporations (except Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines)
Antipathy: Liberty Criminals
Kusari Criminals
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Notes: Interspace does not seem to have any ships flying about

Name: Junkers (Junkers)
Type: Scavenger (Liberty)
HQ: Rochester Base, New York
Bases: Beaumont Base, Texas
Kreuzberg Depot, New Berlin
Rochester Base, New York
Trafalgar Base, New London
Yanagi Depot, Sigma-13
Armaments: Photon weapons (strong vs. Positron, weak vs. Graviton)
Graviton shields
Allies: none
Friendly: none
Unfriendly: House Corporations (except ALG Waste Disposal)
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Enemies: Hogosha
Sympathy: Liberty Criminals (except Xenos)
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Golden Chrysanthemums
Antipathy: Bretonian Security
Kusari Criminals (except Golden Chrysanthemums)
Liberty Security
Bounty Hunter's Guild
Rheinland Federal Police
Notes: Junkers weapons are unlabelled


Edit: fixed up "LWB" and forum auto-emoticon collision (oops)

Edit: "fixed" Bowex entry to prevent HTML breakage

Edited by - Haenlomal on 31-03-2003 23:57:53

Edited by - Haenlomal on 01-04-2003 17:35:56

Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 10:47 pm


<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>

Name: Kishiro Technologies (Kishiro)
Type: Kusari Corporation
HQ: Shinagawa Station, New Tokyo
Bases: Nago Station, Tau-29
Shinagawa Station, New Tokyo
Yukawa Shipyard, Honshu
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Kusari Naval Forces
Friendly: Bretonian Security
Liberty Security
Gas Miners' Guild
Interspace Commerce
Kusari State Police
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals (except Xenos)
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Farmers' Alliance
Enemies: Xenos
Sympathy: House Security (except Rheinland Security)
Gas Miners' Guild
Antipathy: Kusari Criminals
Liberty Criminals
Red Hessians
Notes: none

Name: Kruger Mining (Kruger)
Type: Rheinland Corporation
HQ: Essen Station, New Berlin
Bases: Bautzen Station, Dresden
Elbrich Mining Facility, Omega-7
Essen Station, New Berlin
Mannheim Station, Frankfurt
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Rheinland Security
ALG Waste Disposal
Friendly: Gateway Shipping
Republican Shipping
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals (except Xenos)
Farmers' Alliance
Enemies: Bundschuh
Gas Miners' Guild
Red Hessians
Sympathy: Rheinland Security
ALG Waste Disposal
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Republican Shipping
Antipathy: Bundschuh
Gas Miners' Guild
Red Hessians
Notes: none

Name: Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces)
Type: Security (Kusari)
HQ: Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo (Best Guess)
Bases: Battleship Matsumoto, Hokkaido
Battleship Myoko, Shiko ku
Battleship Nagumo, Kyushu
Kansai Research Station, Honshu
Nansei Research Station, Kyushu
Armaments: Neutron weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Positron Shields
Allies: Kusari Corporations
Kusari State Police
Friendly: Bretonian Corporations (except Planetform, Inc.)
Liberty Security (except Liberty Police, Inc.)
Bretonian Armed Forces
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines
Universal Shipping
Unfriendly: none
Enemies: Kusari Criminals (except Farmers' Alliance)
Liberty Criminals
Sympathy: Kusari Corporations
Liberty Corporations (except Ageira Technologies and Synth Foods, Inc.)
ALG Waste Disposal
Border World Exports
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Gateway Shipping
Gas Miners' Guild
Kusari State Police
Antipathy: Kusari Criminals (except Farmers' Alliance)
Liberty Criminals (except Xenos)
Notes: none

Name: Kusari State Police (Police)
Type: Security (Kusari)
HQ: Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo (Best Guess)
Bases: Akita Border Station, Honshu
Fuchu Station, Shiko ku
Narita Outpost, New Tokyo
Ohashi Border Station, Shiko ku
Planet Honshu, Honshu
Planet Kyushu, Kyushu
Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo
Sapporo Station, Hokkaido
Armaments: Neutron weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Positron shields
Allies: Kusari Naval Forces
Samura Industries
Friendly: Bretonian Corporations (except Planetform, Inc.)
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Kishiro Technologies
Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines
Universal Shipping
Unfriendly: none
Enemies: Kusari Criminals (except Farmers' Alliance)
Liberty Criminals
Sympathy: Kusari Corporations
Liberty Corporations (except Ageira Technologies and Synth Foods, Inc.)
ALG Waste Disposal
Border World Exports
Gas Miners' Guild
Gateway Shipping
Kusari Naval Forces
Republican Shipping
Antipathy: Kusari Criminals
Notes: none

Name: Lane Hackers (Hackers)
Type: Liberty Criminals
HQ: Mactan Base, Magellan
Bases: Leitan Base, Galileo
Mactan Base, Magellan
Armaments: Tachyon weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Graviton shields
Allies: Liberty Rogues
Friendly: none
Unfriendly: House Corporations (except Ageira Technologies and Interspace Commerce)
Enemies: House Security (except Rheinland Security)
Ageira Technologies
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Interspace Commerce
Sympathy: Golden Chrysanthemums
Independent Miners' Guild
Liberty Rogues
Antipathy: Kusari Corporations
Liberty Corporations
Liberty Security
Blood Dragons
Border World Exports
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Bretonian Police Authority
Gateway Shipping
Kusari Naval Forces
Red Hessians
Notes: none

Name: Liberty Navy (Navy)
Type: Liberty Security
HQ: Planet Manhatten, New York (Best Guess)
Bases: Battleship Mississippi, Texas
Battleship Missouri, New York
Battleship Rio Grande, Colorado
Battleship Yukon, California
Norfolk Shipyard, New York
West Point Military Academy, New York
Willard Research Station, California
Armaments: Laser weapons (strong vs. Positron, weak vs. Graviton)
Plasma weapons (strong vs. Graviton, weak vs. Molecular)
Graviton shields
Allies: Liberty Corporations
Liberty Security
Friendly: Bretonian Corporations
Bretonian Security
Kusari Corporations
ALG Waste Disposal
Kusari Naval Forces
Republican Shipping
Rheinland Military
Unfriendly: none
Enemies: Liberty Criminals
Sympathy: Bretonian Corporations (except Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing)
Kusari Corporations
Liberty Corporations
Liberty Security
ALG Waste Disposal
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Republican Shipping
Antipathy: Liberty Criminals
Notes: none

Name: Liberty Police, Inc. (Police)
Type: Liberty Security
HQ: Planet Manhatten, New York
Bases: Fort Bush, New York
LPI Huntsville, Texas
LPI Sugarland, Texas
Planet Denver, Colorado
Planet Houston, Texas
Planet Los Angeles, California
Planet Manhatten, New York
San Diego Border Station, California
Armaments: Laser weapons (strong vs. Positron, weak vs. Graviton)
Graviton shields
Allies: Liberty Corporations (except Deep Space Engineering and Interspace Commerce)
Liberty Security
Friendly: Bretonian Corporations
Bretonian Security
Kusari Corporations
ALG Waste Disposal
Republican Shipping
Unfriendly: none
Enemies: Liberty Criminals
Sympathy: Bretonian Corporations (except Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing)
Kusari Corporations
Liberty Corporations
Liberty Security
ALG Waste Disposal
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Republican Shipping
Antipathy: Liberty Criminals
Notes: none

Name: Liberty Security Force (LSF)
Type: Liberty Security
HQ: Planet Manhatten, New York (Best Guess)
Bases: none
Armaments: Laser weapons (strong vs. Positron, weak vs. Graviton)
Plasma weapons (strong vs. Graviton, weak vs. Molecular)
Graviton shields
Allies: Liberty Corporations
Liberty Security
Friendly: Bretonian Corporations
Bretonian Security
Kusari Corporations
ALG Waste Disposal
Kusari Naval Forces
Republican Shipping
Rheinland Military
Unfriendly: none
Enemies: Liberty Criminals
Sympathy: Bretonian Corporations (except Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing)
Kusari Corporations
Liberty Corporations
Liberty Security
ALG Waste Disposal
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Republican Shipping
Antipathy: Liberty Criminals
Notes: LSF seems to have no ships flying about, but weapons and shields information is derived from the Single Player Campaign

Name: Liberty Rogues (Rogues)
Type: Liberty Criminal
HQ: Buffalo Base, New York
Bases: Alcatraz Depot, California
Buffalo Base, New York
Dawson Base, Hudson
Montezuma Base, Cortez
Padua Base, Galileo
Armaments: Laser weapons (strong vs. Positron, weak vs. Graviton)
Molecular shields
Allies: Lane Hackers
Friendly: Outcasts
Unfriendly: House Corporations
Enemies: House Security
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Sympathy: Golden Chrysanthemums
Lane Hackers
Antipathy: Kusari Corporations
Kusari Criminals (except Golden Chrysanthemums)
Liberty Corporations
Liberty Security
ALG Waste Disposal
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Border World Exports
Gateways Shipping
Kusari Naval Forces
Red Hessians
Republican Shipping
Notes: Rogues weapons do more damage, but drain more energy

Name: LWB (LWB )
Type: Rheinland Criminal
HQ: Darmstadt Depot, Stuttgart
Bases: Darmstadt Depot, Stuttgart
Armaments: Tachyon weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Graviton shields
Allies: none
Friendly: Bundschuh
Red Hessians
Unfriendly: Kusari Corporations
Liberty Corporations (except Synth Foods, Inc.)
Rheinland Corporations (except ALG Waste Disposal)
Enemies: Rheinland Security
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Synth Foods, Inc.
Sympathy: Scavengers
Farmers' Alliance
Red Hessians
Antipathy: Liberty Corporations (except Ageira Technologies and Deep Space Engineering)
Rheinland Security
ALG Waste Disposal
Gas Miners' Guild
Notes: LWB weapons are more energy efficient, but have a slower rate of fire

Name: Mollys (Mollys)
Type: Terrorist (Bretonia)
HQ: Arranmore Base, Dublin
Bases: Arranmore Base, Dublin
Armaments: Neutron weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Graviton shields
Allies: none
Friendly: none
Unfriendly: House Corporations (except Border World Export and Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing)
Enemies: Bretonian Security
Border World Exports
Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Sympathy: Rheinland Criminals (except LWB )
Blood Dragons
Independent Miners' Guild
Liberty Rogues
Antipathy: Bretonian Corporations (except Planetform, Inc.)
Bretonian Security
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Interspace Commerce
Universal Shipping
Notes: none

Name: Orbital Spa & Cruise Lines (Spa and Cruise)
Type: Liberty Corporation
HQ: Planet Curacao, Cortez (Best Guess)
Bases: Luxury Liner Hawaii, Sigma-19
Luxury Liner Shetland, Edinburgh
Planet Curacao, Cortez
Planet Baden-Baden, Stuttgart
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Liberty Corporations (except Cryer Pharmaceuticals and Deep Space Engineering)
Liberty Security
Friendly: Bretonian Corporations (except Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing)
House Security (except Liberty Security)
Deep Space Engineering
Republican Shipping
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Farmers' Alliance
Enemies: Gaians
Sympathy: House Security
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Gas Miners' Guild
Antipathy: Liberty Criminals
Red Hessians
Notes: none

Name: Outcasts (Outcasts)
Type: Pirate
HQ: Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha
Bases: Cali Base, Tau-23
Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha
Ruiz Base, Omicron Beta
Armaments: Particle weapons (strong vs. Graviton, weak vs. Molecular)
Tachyon weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Positron shields
Allies: Lane Hackers
Friendly: Golden Chrysanthemums
Liberty Rogues
Unfriendly: Bretonian Criminals
Kusari Corporations
Rheinland Corporations
Ageira Technologies
Blood Dragons
Border World Exports
Gateway Shipping
Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines
Synth Foods, Inc.
Universal Shipping
Enemies: All Independent Organizations (except Zoners)
House Security
Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Deep Space Engineering
Farmers' Alliance
Interspace Commerce
Planetform, Inc.
Red Hessians
Sympathy: Kusari Criminals (except Farmers' Alliance)
Liberty Criminals (except Xenos)
Red Hessians
Antipathy: All Independent Organizations (except Zoners)
Bretonian Corporations
Bretonian Security
Kusari Corporations
Liberty Corporations (except Ageira Technologies)
Liberty Security
ALG Waste Disposal
Farmers' Alliance
Kusari State Police
Republican Shipping
Notes: Outcast weapons inflict more damage, but have reduced range and rate of fire

Name: Planetform, Inc. (Planetform)
Type: Bretonian Corporation
HQ: Canterbury Station, New London
Bases: Canterbury Station, New London
Perth Station, Edinburgh
Planet California Minor, California
Planet Harris, Tau-31
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Bretonian Corporations
Bretonian Security
Friendly: Liberty Security
Deep Space Engineering
Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines
Republican Shipping
Synth Foods, Inc.
Universal Shipping
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Farmers' Alliance
Enemies: Gaians
Sympathy: Bretonian Corporations
Bretonian Security
Liberty Security
Independent Miners' Guild
Universal Shipping
Antipathy: Pirates
Notes: none

Name: Red Hessians (Hessians)
Type: Rheinland Criminal
HQ: Vogtland Base, Dresden
Bases: Freital Base, Omega-11
Ronneburg Base, Omega-5
Vogtland Base, Dresden
Armaments: Laser Weapons (strong vs. Positron, weak vs. Graviton)
Positron Shields
Allies: none
Friendly: LWB
Unfriendly: Bretonian Corporations (except Gateway Shipping)
Kusari Corporations
Liberty Corporations
Republican Shipping
Enemies: Bretonian Security
Rheinland Security
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Daumann Heavy Construction
Gas Miners' Guild
Kruger Minerals
Sympathy: Rheinland Criminals
Blood Dragons
Antipathy: House Corporations (except Ageira Technologies and Planetform, Inc.)
Liberty Criminals
Rheinland Security
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Independent Miners' Guild
Notes: Hessian weapons inflict more damage, but have reduced firing rates

Name: Republican Shipping (Republican)
Type: Rheinland Corporation
HQ: Alster Shipyard, Hamburg (Best Guess)
Bases: Alster Shipyard, Hamburg
Altona Station, Hamburg
Freiburg Station, Stuttgart
Mainz Storage Facility, Frankfurt
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Rheinland Security
Daumann Heavy Construction
Friendly: Bretonian Security
Liberty Security
ALG Waste Disposal
Interspace Commerce
Kruger Minerals
Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines
Planetform, Inc.
Synth Foods, Inc.
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals (except Xenos)
Farmers' Alliance
Gas Miners' Guild
Red Hessians
Enemies: Unioners
Sympathy: House Security (except Kusari Security)
Rheinland Corporations
Kusari State Police
Synth Foods, Inc.
Antipathy: Liberty Criminals (except Lane Hackers)
Rheinland Criminials (except LWB )
Notes: none

Name: Rheinland Military (Military)
Type: Rheinland Security
HQ: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin (Best Guess)
Bases: Battleship Westfalen
Oder Shipyard
Armaments: Tachyon weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Molecular shields
Allies: Rheinland Corporations (except Daumann Heavy Construction)
Rheinland Federal Police
Friendly: Liberty Corporations (except Ageira Technologies and Interspace Commerce)
Liberty Security (except Liberty Police, Inc.)
Border World Exports
Bretonian Armed Forces
Daumann Heavy Construction
Gateway Shipping
Unfriendly: none
Enemies: Liberty Criminals (except Lane Hackers)
Rheinland Criminals
Gas Miners' Guild
Sympathy: Liberty Corporations (except Ageira Technologies and Deep Space Engineering)
Rheinland Corporations
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Gateway Shipping
Rheinland Federal Police
Antipathy: Rheinland Criminals
Notes: none

Name: Rheinland Federal Police (Police)
Type: Security (Rheinland)
HQ: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin (Best Guess)
Bases: Brandenburg Border Station, New Berlin
Fulda Border Station, Frankfurt
Konstanz Border Station, Stuttgart
Lubeck Border Station, Hamburg
Pirna Border Station, Dresden
Planet Hamburg, Hamburg
Planet New Berlin, New Berlin
Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart
Ulm Border Station, Stuttgart
Vierlande Prison, Hamburg
Armaments: Plasma weapons (strong vs. Graviton, weak vs. Molecular)
Tachyon weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Molecular shields
Allies: Rheinland Corporations
Rheinland Military
Friendly: Border World Exports
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Gateway Shipping
Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines
Synth Foods, Inc.
Universal Shipping
Unfriendly: none
Enemies: Liberty Criminals (except Lane Hackers)
Rheinland Criminals
Gas Miners' Guild
Sympathy: Liberty Corporations (except Ageira Technologies and Deep Space Engineering)
Rheinland Corporations
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Gateway Shipping
Rheinland Military
Antipathy: Rheinland Criminals
Notes: none

Name: Samura Industries (Samura)
Type: Kusari Corporation
HQ: Shinjuku Station, New Tokyo
Bases: Osaka Storage Facility, Honshu
Planet Junyo, Shiko ku
Planet Kurile, Sigma-17
Shinjuku Station, New Tokyo
Shinkaku Station, Tau-29
Tsushima Depot, Kyushu
Yokohama Shipyard, New Tokyo
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Kusari Security
Friendly: Bretonian Security
Liberty Security
Gas Miners' Guild
Interspace Commerce
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals (except Xenos)
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Enemies: Kusari Criminals (except Farmers' Alliance)
Sympathy: House Security (except Rheinland Security)
Farmers' Alliance
Gas Miners' Guild
Antipathy: Kusari Criminals (except Farmers' Alliance)
Liberty Criminals
Red Hessians
Notes: none

Name: Synth Foods, Inc. (Synth Foods)
Type: Corporation (Liberty)
HQ: Planet Los Angeles, California
Bases: none
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Liberty Corporations (except Ageira Technologies and Cryer Pharmaceuticals)
Liberty Security
Friendly: Bretonian Security
Rheinland Security
Planetform, Inc.
Republican Shipping
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals
Red Hessians
Enemies: Farmers' Alliance
Sympathy: Liberty Corporations (except Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines)
Liberty Security
Rheinland Security
Republican Shipping
Antipathy: Kusari Criminals (except Blood Dragons)
Liberty Crminals (except Xenos)
Red Hessians
Notes: none

Name: Unioners (Unioners)
Type: Rheinland Criminal
HQ: Pacifica Base, Bering
Bases: Pacifica Base, Bering
Armaments: Neutron weapons (strong vs. Molecular, weak vs. Positron)
Graviton shields
Allies: none
Friendly: Bundschuh
Liberty Rogues
Unfriendly: House Corporations (except Republican Shipping)
Blood Dragons
Red Hessians
Enemies: Liberty Security
Rheinland Security
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Gas Miners' Guild
Sympathy: All Criminals (except Golden Chrysanthemums and Xenos)
Antipathy: Rheinland Security
ALG Waste Disposal
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Gas Miners' Guild
Interspace Commerce
Republican Shipping
Universal Shipping
Notes: none

Name: Universal Shipping (Universal)
Type: Liberty Corporation
HQ: Trenton Outpost, New York
Bases: Trenton Outpost, New York
Armaments: Civilian Standard
Allies: Liberty Corporations
Liberty Security
Friendly: House Security (except Liberty Security)
ALG Waste Disposal
Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing
Planetform, Inc.
Unfriendly: Liberty Criminals
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Farmers' Alliance
Enemies: none
Sympathy: House Security
Liberty Corporations (except Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines)
Planetform, Inc.
Antipathy: Liberty Criminals
Rheinland Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Farmers' Alliance
Notes: none

Name: Xenos (Xenos)
Type: Liberty Criminal
HQ: Ouray Base, Colorado
Bases: Barrow Base, Hudson
Ouray Base, Colorado
Nome Base, Kepler
Armaments: Particle weapons (strong vs. Graviton, weak vs. Molecular)
Molecular shields
Allies: none
Friendly: none
Unfriendly: Liberty Corporations
Planetform, Inc.
Enemies: All Criminals
House Corporations (except Liberty Corporations and Planetform Inc.)
House Securities
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Gas Miners' Guild
Sympathy: Bundschuh
Synth Foods, Inc.
Antipathy: All Criminals (except Bundschuh)
Kusari Corporations
Liberty Corporations (except Synth Foods, Inc.)
Liberty Security
ALG Waste Disposal
Border World Exports
Bounty Hunters' Guild
Republican Shipping
Notes: Xenos weapons inflict more damage, but have a shorter range

Name: Zoners (Zoners)
Type: Independent Organization
HQ: Freeport 1, Omega-3 (Best Guess)
Bases: Ames Research Station, Kepler
Freeport 1, Omega-3
Freeport 2, Bering
Freeport 5, Omega-41
Freeport 6, Tau-29
Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Freeport 10, Tau-37
Armaments: Photon weapons (strong vs. Positron, weak vs. Graviton)
Molecular shields
Allies: none
Friendly: Independent Miners' Guild
Synth Foods, Inc.
Unfriendly: none
Enemies: none
Sympathy: All Independent Organizations
Liberty Criminals (except Liberty Rogues)
Antipathy: none
Notes: Zoner weapons have greater range, but have slower fire rates


Ok, that's it! I hope this list helps some of you out there.


-- The Haen.

Edit: fixed up "LWB" and forum auto-emoticon collision (oops)

Edit: Removed redundant "Xenos" subentry under Red Hessians entry

Edited by - Haenlomal on 01-04-2003 00:02:36

Edited by - Haenlomal on 07-04-2003 17:31:10

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 6:39 am

Easy Rhino wrote: "3) Ageira doesn' t have Xenos listed as an enemy (unless they're lumped in with Criminals)"

I think they count as "Pirates"

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 1:45 pm

Good stuff,...

If a mod could put all names in front,... make that links to the explanations below, that would be great for searching speed!

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 4:47 pm

Easy Rhino wrote:

Very neat. Two things

1) The Notes: field for Bowex runs too long, and that breaks some html

2) Some companies have Liberty Rogues listed as merely 'unfriendly'. However, I'm pretty sure they attack on sight.

3) Ageira doesn' t have Xenos listed as an enemy (unless they're lumped in with Criminals)

Thanks for the comments...and isn't that 3 things, btw?

Anyway, to answer your questions:

1) Sorry about that...that was a direct ASCII text file dump. I've fixed it now.

2) I'm just going by the values found in initialworld.ini....but if you think about
it makes sense that the Liberty Rogues would be "unfriendly" to most
corporations, since the in-game description for the Rogues state that they are
not-too-bright other words, their primary motivation is to rob,
not necessarily to destroy. Hence, you'd expect them to demand a cargo drop
first before escalating the level of hostility.

Having said that, I'll admit that it does seem like that the Rogues (and other
similar factions) attack on sight. This is because NPC factions reply to the
demand for cargo much quicker than we humans can. If you pay attention to
the radio chatter closely enough, you can hear the victim's response almost right
after the Rogues' demand...and if the victim reponse negatively to the Rogues'
demand, then a firefight ensures. It just seems immediate to us because the
response time for NPC are so quick.

3) Yes, Xenos are classified as "Liberty Criminal" under my system...I'm starting
to think I'll have to post a follow-up to clarify my classification system.

-- The Haen.

Edit: Still having trouble getting used to the line breaks concept.

Edited by - Haenlomal on 01-04-2003 17:48:51

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 5:15 pm

First of all, thanks for all your response, especially considering that this
is my first posting.

Now, there seems to be some confusion as to which faction belongs
to what type under my system, so I'm going to clarify that once and
for all.

A disclaimer: These classifications are purely subjective categorizations
made by ME. I personally found it helpful to think of them is this way.
You may find other classifications more useful for you, so feel free to
do your own re-classification if you think it would help you more.

(Hopefully, this will forestall questions like: "Why did you place faction
X under category Y when it should clearly be in category Z?"

<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>

Category Faction
-------- -------

Liberty Security LSF, Liberty Navy, LPI
Liberty Corporations Ageira, Interspace, Spa and Cruise, DSE,
Cryer, Synth Foods, Universal
Liberty Criminals Rogues, Hackers, Xenos

Bretonian Security Bretonian Armed Forces, Bretonian Police
Bretonian Corporations BMM, Bowex, Gateway, Planetform
Bretonian Criminals Mollys, Gaians

Kusari Security Kusari Naval Forces, Kusari Police
Kusari Corporations Samura, Kishiro
Kusari Criminals Blood Dragons, GC, Farmers' Alliance

Rheinland Security Rheinland Military, Rheinland Police
Rheinland Corporations ALG, Daumann, Kruger, Republican
Rheinland Criminals Hessians, Unioners, Bundschuh, LWB

Pirates Corsairs, Outcasts

Scavengers Hogosha, Junkers

Independent Organizations IMG, GMG, Zoners, Bounty Hunters


Hope this clears any confusion.

-- The Haen.

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 6:36 pm

Fabulous work, Haen! I've been waiting for something like that, myself, for a while now, as looking up empathy.ini really is too tedious.

Anyway, would you consider doing a reputation calculator? I'm thinking of a little program that would tell you what effects on relataions to other factions it has if you e.g. shoot a zoner ship, do a junkers mission, bribe the br police to like you. I believe it should be possible doing something like this with just the data from empathy.ini

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 10:09 pm

I don't think I know how the numbers in empathy.ini work together well enough
to be able to make a calculator. Even then, I don't know if I'd have the time.

Besides, I'm working on something else right now....

-- The Haen.

Post Sat Apr 12, 2003 2:31 am

Suggestion noted and stickied, nice work Haenlomal.

I don't really run this place but I have an understanding with the people who do.

Post Sat Apr 12, 2003 4:31 am

I'm cleaning this up a bit and closing because this will stand on it own accord. Nice work Haenlomal.

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