Pirating 101
This is such an easy way to make cash..
my set up:
level 7 shields at ainu base in hakkaido
magma blasts all around (turrets too) at manhatten (fully decked out 3 shots blows up a cannister on a transport without hurting transport)
basicly shooting the cannisters out from transports.
good profit area New tokyo -> narita station (narita buys elemtals gold,silver betryllium, hight temp alloys ets at decent prices)
lux goods at new tokyo transports (kinda rare)
average per run 175k-400k
average about a million credits in about 30 min - 1 hr depending
total kills to date only 2 (oops) factions are all nuetral
total money in ship 4.8 million
its fun and so cheesey
to start get nuetral with hackers and rogues buy dromedary and haul a load of cardimine to manhatten then buy lux goods and magmahammers and then lux goods from manhatten to ainu then buy shields and go lane hack and robbing
fast and fun way to make credits!
Edited by - redlance on 31-03-2003 03:19:55