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The Endless Journey

If you are stuck in a mission and do not know how to continue, this is the place to ask for help. Missing that elusive Level 10 Shield? Don''t know where to find the lost Ohtori ship? This is the only place where spoilers are allowed!

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:06 pm

The Endless Journey

greetings earthlings

Found something interesting in the
universe, in the Omicron Gamma system sector 2F. It's the unknown jump hole surrounded by destroyed Corsair ships.
When you shoot at the ships Nomad escorts appear [level 19, quite easy to kill. If you have luck they will leave you Nomad weaponry such as Nomad energy blasters and cannons [No energy usage, level 10, fukking kult. The jump hole leads to unknown system with 2 planets [Planet Primus with Monkeys ;p and Planet Gammu with Robots, the bad thing is that you're able to repair the ship only on Primus and you can't buy any equipment on any of these planets. However, the whole system is quite devouring to see, beautiful nebulas and so on.
If someone did find that you know what I speak of..Aye..Over and out..

Edited by - Dr Peter on 17-03-2003 21:06:57

Edited by - Dr Peter on 17-03-2003 21:07:41

Edited by - Dr Peter on 17-03-2003 21:09:33

Edited by - Dr Peter on 17-03-2003 21:14:27


Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:14 pm

This would go in the spoilers forum.....and watch the language usage k?

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:19 pm

Then what's the sense of this forum? I've looked over dozens of posts here that can fall into "Spoil" category like "Lvl7,8 guns" one. Besides tell me who would go on Nomads19, I mean who "normally sane" would?
Anyways, should I delete the post and wait 10 years until someone does discover it before me?

Edited by - Dr Peter on 17-03-2003 21:25:28

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:23 pm

Found it already, but I'm only lvl 14, so I got my wing shot off promptly and barely limped back to a base (did manage to take one of them out though).

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world:
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:31 pm

A spoiler is a spoiler Peter, and this is a obvious one.

Join the army against the Chaos!
"I was near the scene of another crime at the time, officer."

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:31 pm

Well, me knows the pain. Been there 36lev, with Titan and "10" level guns like
"Information Classified" DIAMONDBACKS and JADES..It was still f***ing hard, I entered the system with no shields, no nanobots and I couldn't buy any of those on planets there..Still it was kool to be there..

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:35 pm

Sorry..I wasn't quite aware what "Spoiler" could do here [probably the cause of time difference ;p.

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