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Nomads... weapons and system

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Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 12:42 pm

Nomads... weapons and system

OK, I find a Nomad system, after shooting about 30 nomad ships i grabbed a Nomad Cannon or something 600 Hull 500 Shield or near this. Energy usage 0.
Question: Is this weapon more powerful than "Hammer"? Or "Blue lace"
And what can i find at Nomads sector. I found one yellow unknown star. Is it all at this system?

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 1:52 pm

***spoiler alert *** wrong forum

but i'll answer anyway... the nomad systems can be accessed from the jumpholes in omicron alpha and omicron gamma

and for which is more powerful its up to you, some like a loadout of 4 nomad weapons with 2 c9 weapons, others like 2 c10, 2 c9's and 2 nomads

the one that you went to sounds like the one from omicron alpha, sicne the one in gamma has *something*

Edited by - mirax on 17-03-2003 13:55:00

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:50 pm

Thank you for answer! And sorry for wrong forum...

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:52 pm

Moving to spoiler forum...

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
The Next Thing I Say To You Will Be True
The Last Thing I Said Was False

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 11:08 pm

Can you still reach Nomad place in multiplayer?

"What is left when honor is lost?"
-Pubilius Syruis (600 B.C.)

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 12:17 am

Yes. Just not the system with the Dyson Sphere thingamajigg.

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