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help! getting murdered in omicron alpha

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Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:51 am

help! getting murdered in omicron alpha

i'm level 31 in singleplayer, and have a falcon (best ship i can buy on normal planets/bases i think). i have 6 level 10 weapons but can't mount them yet. i've got some level 8 and 7 weapons on my ship and can fight off hordes of outcast stilettos with no problem. i took the falcon into sigma 37 and then omicron alpha. i am hostile with outcasts so they kept attacking me all the way. now i'm trying to fight off sabres, and after a few waves i always get exploded. am i too low level to enter this system? where can i find a better ship? i am hostile with corsairs too so can't get anything from them. i'm killing outcasts to get on the good side of corsairs but so far it hasn't helped very much. what should i do to survive in omicron alpha?

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:06 am

Well the Eagle is an improvement over the Falcon if you want it (found at Freeport 9 in Omicron Theta), but I just bribed the Outcasts in Sigma - 13 (raised their rep from completely bad to a low Friendly rating), and am now doing missions to get money for the Sabre. I'm using a Valkyre with lvl 6 and 8 Outcast weapons. The missions I'm doing from Planet Malta are very hard (difficulty 35 or so), and I have a hard time with them, but they pay well (bout 100k). But if you want to stay with your rep, get the Eagle.

Edited by - wwiimarshall on 17-03-2003 11:24:04

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:42 pm

Getting into Outcast space without bribing them is pretty hard. Even with an Eagle with all the goodies it's hard.

Let's get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:59 pm

The Eagle is the way to go for you goodie types. Is a hard base to get to, but if you come up from the south you have a better chance. Imagine my surprise when a neutral Corsair, in corsair space told me to drop my cargo and then took offence to my finger jesture. Little did I know he had 3 buddies near by, all with titans, and me in my little anubis. Well anyway, end story was 4 dead titans and a very,very battered anubis limping back to hessian friendly base.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:03 pm

go for the sabre in omega 11, at the hessien base in the top left gas field.
you just need to be neutral with them (even one pixel away from hostile) to buy there ship. aslong as you can get into their base, you can buy the ship, no questions asked. and cheaper then the titan too.

btw, can you get anubis in MP?

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:54 pm

btw, can you get anubis in MP?

Not without modification.

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