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desperately NEED help with faction w/junkers, outcasts, Moll

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Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:00 am

desperately NEED help with faction w/junkers, outcasts, Moll

Well now I am in Leeds and I tried to go to New London and BAM I get pounced by Junkers and Outcast and Mollys...sigh.

See, I took lots of hunter/kill missions early in SP in Liberty, and had a rough rough time getting any trading done as I was beset by these factions EVERYWHERE.

Ok, ANY idea how I can improve my standing with those guys? I avoided pounding the Xeno's in Liberty cause I was told not to bother worrying bout factions, but now all Liberty hates me AND this red negative faction has followed me.

So I need a way to get some Xeno's. Only places I know of em being are in Colorado (south of Peblo base) and Kelper system (north of Colorado?) and I've NO idea how to get there w/o going thru the regular routes thru Liberty (and I CANNOT do that, never make it, ever).

Any ideas??


Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:25 am

I found that by killing as many Xenos as possible helped me a great deal. Go to Pueblo Staion and save your game. If you distroy the gun platforms protecting the Xeno base which is close by and kill every Xeno who comes at you in the process you will quickly be neutral with the outcasts, lane jumpers and maybe even the cossairs if you go at it long enough.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:16 am

Lots of Xenos near Detroit Munitions and Rochester in New York system. At least in the demo.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 4:17 pm

spoiler forum please....

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The Next Thing I Say To You Will Be True
The Last Thing I Said Was False

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:03 pm

How much money do you have? Hit the bars and look for someone you can bribe. If you can get to Manhatten, I found a great setup. I found a guy to bribe for the Junkers. After that, the Junker guy in the bar started talking to me, and he quickly offered to fix my faction with the Liberty Rogues. Between those two bribes, I managed to befriend, or neutralize, all bad factions except for the Mollys, Corsairs, and Unioners. My life has been a lot easier since then.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:21 pm

See I KNOW bout the Xenos, and thanks for the attempt to help, but PLEASE read all the request - I mentioned that I am all the way in Leeds system and I CAN'T get to Detroit Munitions or Peblo station area as I am OUTLAW in all Liberty! lol

I played the SP quests and in between early I took so many damn hunt/kill missions I am deep in the hole. AND I am at a point where all Liberty is after me.

SO, I need an alternative. Going ALL the way back thru 1/2 of Liberty is just not a solution, unless there is a way from Leeds or New London to somehow get to the Kelper system, which is north of the Colorado area, and Pueblo is in that one.

ANY HELP??? Thanks in any case

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:39 pm

If you have class10 ship.. no problem being an outlaw in liberty just go there.. and find some xenos.. start killing xenos. Cops will start to like you eventually

happened to me too

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:47 pm

Kill bounty hunters, they are a nuisance at best even when deep red. this will bring up almost all criminal faction across the board, has a slight drop in police and some good aligned corps. But with some work and mission/hunter killing should be able to keep good aligned at neutral, and get targeted bad aligned up to light green. If you are trying to do easy trade runs with faction they have to be at least light green, anything lower you stand the chance of them trying to steal your cargo.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:54 pm

ERG! I am in the SP campaign and only level 9! So nope, no class ten ships, heh. NO chance getting back to Liberty, and IF I did, I'd be in no condition to take on the Xeno's heh.

Any other ideas?

Thanks all!

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:40 pm

Help plz

Can anyone map a coarse to get to the Colorado or Texas System from Leeds or New London that DOESN'T go thru any other Liberty areas (like California or NY)?

Thanks !!!

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:38 pm

I can see you have lots of troubles and you need money, good ship and such.
Well, first off, there is no way to get to Liberty space (not that close to Xenos at least) without being slaughtered by criminals first let alone the Libert Securty or Police.
What you got to do is some quick-cash trade runs, mount up to 200-300 thousand credits and buy your self the Heavy Fighter that the Bretonia Battleships sell (essex, suffolk etc.)
Then mount on the ship: 6 best guns you can find, the Advanced Guardian shield (best for the ship and best of the ones you have option of buying), and pack on Slingshot missiles (so then i guess you need only 5 guns) and a torpedoe launcher and a countermeasure dropper.
THen go do the mission 5 (which should be easy now) and you will advance to lvl_10 and you can then do some more missions and advance further till you get called for mission 6. Now what you will notice is that Bounty Hunters might appear red to you so fight them more, get them pissed and you will quite possibly make all others happier and maybe you'll be able to get to Mactan safely to buy a dromedary or to the Mollies base for a Wolfhound or Cortez to the Spa&Cruise to buy the hawk.
I have not tested this theory yet since i stopped playing after beating mission 5 but i will today.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:05 pm

So the Bounty's help with faction on Junkers Outcast and such? Ok then, I guess I will go a killing bounty's.


OK, so WHERE do I find those pesky Bounty hunters?? heh (I am in Leeds/New London area)

Edited by - Mc1csmo on 17-03-2003 21:53:42

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:02 pm

Go to Manchester system, to the Sheffield station. Its a bounty hunter station so just go there with the ship i mentioned before as a good idea
Beforehand make sure you're lvl 10 (you have to finish mission 5) so that you can buy torpedoes.

Then you just blast the hell out of either the station or some storage depot around it or just fight the Bounty Hunter ships around the station.
Of course i'm not sure you can destroy the station so try and stay away from it so it doesn have a firing reach on you and fight the ships from the safe distance.

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 12:16 am

Well I decided to try to get there (REALLY hard getting there, the damn Gaian's and Outcasts are deeeep in the red on me).

So I killed a bunch of bounty's (those light pirahna's are no match for my heavy bretonia fighter).

I didn't do the level 10 mission yet, but maybe I will after a few more runs. I am basing at Birmingham Station one jump away and I can go there to resupply.

QUESTION: How do those guys wheel and turn on a dime. I tried this, from thrust - engine cut out/strafe in that direction/mouse in that direction and rethrust after but I don't wheel anywhere NEAR like them. I guess being a heavy fighter is why, but they are like buzzing mosquito's about me. I don't get challenged much so it's no real worry. I am more worried when the outcasts and gaians show up.

So how does an experienced dog-fighter actually optimize the redirection and hard turn?

Thanks for all the help btw! I REALLY hope that the bounty hunters are not vital in some upcoming mission, heh. They TRULY hate me know. Don't see much movement on the criminal types but I am guessing it takes 5-10x as many kills to get them to start liking me more.

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