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Startracker vs Defender - Which to Get?

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Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:22 am

Startracker vs Defender - Which to Get?

I've completed the second SP mission (going after the Ashcroft fellow), and have reached Level 4. Current ship is a Patriot, am wanting to upgrade to either a Startracker or Defender.

Startracker - LF, 1800 armour, but 3/0 weapon mounts, cost 17k+ credits (need more cash)
Defender - HF, 1600 armour, but 5/1 weapon mounts, cost 12k+ credits, can get it now with trade-in for Patriot)

Any advice on which to get? I'm more inclined to the Defender (carries more guns; with 5/1 mounts I can carry 4 guns & a missile launcher) but how is its manoeuverability compared to the Startracker (HF vs LF)?


Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:39 am

Go with the best cargo room.
Oh Ya, don't fight RUN!!!!

Learn how to get away and keep making money for a better ship when you can.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:54 am

The Defender is vastly superior. The turret can fire forwards also, which just makes it kick butt. You can slaughter enemies like lambs if you get the right weapons loadout. Of course, once you hit Bretonia space, you'll need another new ship. But it still rocks.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:23 am

Both have a cargo sapce of 30.
Much as I'd like to run when I'm hauling cargo, sometimes there are just too many pirates...

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:32 am

Actually..2 much better ships in the New York sector..if you are neutral with the Junkers and/or Liberty Rogues.

Rochester base, Junkers, has a Bloodhound HF, excellent ship, good cargo room, good weapons ability, extremely manueverable.

Buffalo base, Rogues, has the Dagger, probably the most lethal ship you can get in all of Liberty space.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:25 am

You are probably too low level to buy the dagger (I ain't used it, but it's good).

Normally, I'd recommend the Defender. It is, however, significantly less maneuverable than the Patriot.

I just flew the Starflier for the first time in a long time earlier, and I didn't realize how much more maneuverable it felt than the Banshee that I had been flying before.

However, maneuvrability isn't super-duper important. Having a big shield helps me more


Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:50 am

Can't get any pirate ships, my rep with the Rogues & Xenos is bad.
Looks like I'll settle for a Defender for now.

Edited by - Hayashi on 17-03-2003 09:52:15

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:32 pm

the dagger is a very good ship.
good firepower, i'd say: best ship you can get in NY.

the bloodhound is quite good too, but it has one drawback: it looks like crap.
purple lights suck.

btw. has anyone ever flown s stiletto?

guess not; since it's hard to get :S

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 6:31 pm

The Startracker is a slow POS. If you like agile light fighters, stick with the Patriot. First fight in a Startracker I ended up wasting all my bots/bats because it moves like a Humpback.

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