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Getting Money

If you are stuck in a mission and do not know how to continue, this is the place to ask for help. Missing that elusive Level 10 Shield? Don''t know where to find the lost Ohtori ship? This is the only place where spoilers are allowed!

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:00 am

Getting Money

I currently have a defender. I'm up to mission 3. I played it but went backed to a saved game and am getting better before I try it again.

Where are good ship wrecks I can get stuff from?

What's the best way to make a lot of money?

What"s the best trade route? (only name ones that I can make at my level, I'm level 5, and that I'm not restricted from.) Who do I need to be friendly with to do it?

What ship should I get?

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:23 am

All the things you ask had already asked here....
just find it~~
(I am lazy~)

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