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One week Game

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Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:43 am

One week Game

Well... seems like level 38, 4 nomad weapon is the end of this game. Even in multiplay, there's nothing else to improve and nothing else to spend money on which means that's the end. This game had some addictive gameplay in the beginning... too bad the designers couldn't find ways to make it last longer than one week. There should've been no max level or it should be much higher than 38. And there should've been random spawn of ships and weapons similar to Diablo2. I think I can still return this game. Maybe I should.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 3:21 am

What would allowing you to go higher than 38 do? Even if you got to say 50, you are still just as strong as a 35, unless they added like class 15 weapons.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 4:32 am

same week was all it took me to get everything pumped up

nothing much to do now cept to see how many game hours it takes for me to rack up 10k kills

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 4:59 am

Good grief!

I've had the game for like, 5 days and I only JUST finished the storyline... Guys you do realise that if you play the game 24/7 and take no toilet breaks, then yes, the game will be quick to finish... Then again, I'm a high school student preparing for the HSC in less than 6 months (HSC = American equiv. of SATs.. except HSC is much more doomful)

I admit, Freelancer was rather quick - but they have given us a damn huge galaxy to explore, which will probably take up a fair bit of time (Pretty well Freelancer's saving hand -- if they didn't have this, I reckon Freelancer would bomb :p) -- but I do reckon the Storyline could have been atleast another 10 missions longer tho - or more varied random missions...

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:11 am

Lord Porky, trust me, after you finish the storyline, it'll only take couple more days until you find yourself at max level with 4 nomad weapons. One of the flaw of the game is that the level system is based on money you make rather than for example... enemy kills. You can make few freighter runs and advance 10 levels.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:22 am

I had beat up Freelancer too...
it 's really nothing to do after got to level 38 with all class 10 weapons and ripper mine....
there are no motive to play it any longer
the missions are all only kill ship, arrest...and trading is just a waste of time while the money is no object to me any more...

I suggest that there should be more mission kind .....such as transport goods ( Fedex ^^)....
And there should able to employ some other NPC to form a formation...
something like that


Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:37 am

You should do what i do!

First of all, make sure the game crashes to desktop at random times.

Then make sure MS doesnt release any patches and that they dont have any helpful information in Tech support.

Then when you play multi, make sure your server which says "24/7 always on will never go down" goes down for like 4 days[on the weekend of course when you have the most free time

This has kept me playing the game for like 3 weeks now!

Hamsters in Space

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:39 am

alright...if anyone think there's nothing more can do with this game..
plz find me a solution to this problem:
how a sabre with a 700 speed turret( or even 750 whatever)get his aim easier with the 600m/s guns?or i just give up the ship and choose eagle?
sorry but my point is
focus on what u r really interested in and u can always find sth to do

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:52 am

"sorry but my point is
focus on what u r really interested in and u can always find sth to do "

Hmm... tempting but I don't share your enthusiasm in turrets. Point is that there isn't anything interesting after you reach top level, explore all maps, and get all equipments.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:08 am

"...after you reach top level, explore all maps, and get all equipments."
ye that's what i have done ...

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:10 am

hmmmm is this game mod-able? maybe we could have some good mods to look forward to =

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 4:22 pm

I find it absolutely hilarious that morons post messages along the lines of "waaah game was fun for a week, now it sucks" in a SPOILER's forum. Uh, if the location of every item, ship and secret is fed to you, you'd have to be a bit stupid not to have finish it in a week. It's one thing to actually find stuff out for yourself and complain that the game was too short, it's another to read everything on this forum and go search for it by coordinates and then whine about it.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:48 pm

I'm having a blast just checking out all the ships that I can pilot. Also came across some LVL10 weapons (have no use for them yet) by using jump holes found by checking out the PATROLs on the map. I check EVERYTHING out.

I have two games going. One an MP session (running on my PC) that I play where I don't have to do the SP missions. And the SP game itself.

By the way I think the best looking ship and the hardest to hit is the Dragon. And I feel (at level 28) that the Gas Mining Guild weapons are better for a ship like the Falcon (rapid fire and high damage). Fast weapons for a fast ship.

I think after I get a LVL10 ship I will have visited all the systems. I'm going to get in good with the Rouges, buy some cargo with most of my money, dump the cargo, go buy a Dagger, and start over with making money (maybe has a pirate)

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:12 pm

One solution:

Get a group of FreeLancer pros together and get your fav ships, weapons, etc.
Then meet up in a system somewhere and Duel, FreeForAll, or Chat.

Another solution:

Start a full-day competition between clans. Set a date/time for game start, and a date/time for game end. The clan with the most cash/kills/missions/whatever at the end of the competition wins. Use a neutral judge to tally totals.

One More solution:

Go out into the real world, fall in love, have a family, and enjoy your life.

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