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LEVEL 5, Stuck and can''t do anything, can anyone help?

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Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 10:32 pm

LEVEL 5, Stuck and can''t do anything, can anyone help?

I am stuck right after escorting the two transports with artifacts to the research base. I docked and afterwards I am to go back to California Minor with Juni buy these three Rheinland Military Heavy Fighters show up. I can't do anything ie. dock and enter anything tradelanes. When I check my logs and missions, they don't say a thing about what I have to do. Just "awaiting mission". I tried hailing, shooting, formation... Can anyone please tell me what I am suppose to do here?

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 11:44 pm

you're talking about mission 3.
You have to fight the Rhinelanders. If they are not responding and no sound is comming and something feels like its stuck, it could be a sound problem or something...that's what i've read here before.
If only the person with this problem would reply how he fixed it!

You should perhaps repost the question so that person that know about the sound bug (supposedly that's what it is) would respond.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 12:04 am

I have the same problem, if enybody can help, PLZ )

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:49 am

Yes, you're supposed to get in a fight with the Rheinland ships.

What happens if you just blow them up? Can you destroy them?


Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:07 am

woohoo, i figured out the problem. it is the codec problem in the system.ini file. for anyone who needs help for this or for the missing sound bug. i uploaded a copy of my system.ini file. u can try replacing it with ur file. i suggest u make a backup of u system.ini file first tho. have fun!

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 11:22 pm

Well, using a system.ini from another pc on your own pc will surely cause a lot of trouble. Playing Freelance will be the least of your problems.

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 12:30 am

had the same prob with my second game and for the life of me couldn't remember what was supposed to be next. I assumed I had to attack the Rhinelanders and did so. Then I got a mission failed becuz I attacked neutral targets. Perhaps a bug?

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