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Becoming a nice badguy !!

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Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 9:55 pm

Becoming a nice badguy !!

i'm now a stupid good guy got 700.000 credits for the titan hehe and that ship of the order which costs 1.100 credits (btw its a real good ship!)
All the good guys like me and all the bad guys hate me
I want all the good guys to hate/neutral me and all the bad guys to definitly like me!!! someone have an idea? like kill all bad guys all the time?

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 10:14 pm

bribe is good
if u want some one who hate u become friendly ,just go near their area and find those who r "neutral" to u and do the bride
and if u want some one hate u , u can bribe his enemies
or u can take some task from his enemies and help their enemies kill them.
or ...just find their base start killing...xenos is good choice the whole world
will love u if u kreep killing xenos, that's it.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 10:30 pm

ok then i'm gonna start killing those xeno's hehe..............were is there base lol

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 10:39 pm

colorado c6 ouray base
kepler between b6 c6 (radiation here, care)
let's pray for those poor xenos...

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