Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 11:10 am

For those needing help with Corsairs/Outcasts

After completing the single player game, I was left wondering what was left to see.
I started my own server so I could tool around in the game freely, and accidentally happended upon a faction-setup that found myself neutral/friendly with the groups that count. Considering the number of posts wondering how to be friendly with the "evil" factions in FL, I felt it may be helpful to post how I came to this circumstance.

I took several missions from the Bretonian Police/Military that concentrated on the Mollys. After achiving substantial financial gain from this endevor, I moved to Kusari space and focused on building faction with the GCs and Blood Dragons at the expense of Kusari police/military and the Hogosha, effectively rendering myself a criminal in Kusari space. Since there is nothing of much interest here, I felt this would be worth the effort. My Outcast faction gained quickly here, and surprisingly so did my Corsair, since I did not directly attack them. With my Outcast faction in the green and my corsair and hessian faction in the white, I set off for the border regions. Once in Omicron Alpha, I landed on Crete and payed a small bribe (15,000) to bring myself into complete favor of the outcasts, allowing me to take on missions from them.
I then took off with my Falcon and took on level 28-32 missions from the Outcasts at the expense of the GMG. Intense dogfighting eventually led me too enough cash to purchase a Sabre, which I used to pharm nomad weaps and other related weapons in the border systems. With about 10 hours invested, I had reached the pinacle of the game.
I post this hoping to answer the many questions regarding faction with the "bad guys." Granted I did not pursue this objective on a MP PvP server, which I would imagine make things more difficult. Nevertheless, I hope that this will solve the problems that many are having with building faction with the tougher dudes in the game.
At present I have negative faction with most Kusari factions, aside from the criminal elements, but neutral or green with the rest. I am able to fly freely in the border systems with relative impunity, albiet I found that the radiation can be a bitch. Hope this helps for those looking to find easy (read: boring passage) through the tougher regions in FL.

I would however like to know if there are servers that have a dedicated PvP element to them, outside of those advertising. Also, I wonder, what is there to offer me past the "end game" of VHF and tooling around in then Unknown region. Any replies would be nifty...

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