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Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 9:43 pm


Im wondering if some of you guys are experiencing the same slow responses from TLR. A lot of times, id click a link and ill have to wait 30 seconds or so before the page actually changes. Where I most frequently encounter this is when im posting a message. Sometimes, id get nothing and other times if go to a page with an error on it.

Is it just me?

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 9:57 pm

It happens to me every now and then. But it works fine most of the time.
Stop complaining EB

"God bless this acid house!"
"I was near the scene of another crime at the time, officer."

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:13 pm

A BIT slower, yes, but not 30 seconds. Although, I get strange errors when I post or reply: it's acting like the site is down. Then I'd hit Back and try to click the Reply to Topic button again, but now it says that I'm not allowed to post the same thing twice (it's not posted yet when I re-check the thread). I just copy the text of my reply, and restart the whole replying process again.

Update: It just happened! on this post! Ironic. This post is actually a paste of its original.

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:22 pm

Yeah - I've noticed so myself... the reason is partly that the site has 3 times the sustained traffic it had before - at peak!

So I have to look at the slower parts, especially where updates happen, and try to optimize them, but it takes quite a long time to do, so it has to wait.

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:48 am

Haven't noticed it at all.
And I've been here alot

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 6:04 am

That happens to me too. Every third or fourth thread I click I have to wait forever. It happens a lot too while posting. A lot of times when I hit reply it times out, and I go back to repost and it says it's already posted. Also I've had at least ten posts disappear for no reason.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 6:31 am

Same here. Just be careful and copy your post into memory before hitting "Reply".

Although maybe this is just Bargib's sneaky way of reducing spam.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 11:22 am

Yeah, I noticed it becomes a little slow from time to time too recently, but complaints here

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 11:38 am


Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 1:27 pm

My access speed is the same as always, but posting topics bigger than 3-4 sentences is a 3-5 attempt affair. Actually I lie this one is taking a while to post to.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 1:29 pm

I too have experinced slower times on TLR

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