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Awards etc

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Post Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:51 am

Awards etc

In light of the mod comp that Discovery has entered (good luck to them BTW), it begs the question as to why Lancers hasnt/doesnt hold a similar type event for the community.

I can't believe this hasnt been raised before, but if it hasn't can you give me some feedback please.

Post Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:10 pm

Whats the prize?
How long should voting run for? (current polls can be voted in multiple times, so to put any stock into it would require some better method than is currently available - otherwise I could vote all day long for whatever I chose to ).
Should we run around their websites to alert their communities?

To be honest, Methinks you'll find it would be...


They've had the most consistent amount of players online, with the largest amount of downloads too. I think at one very brief point in history, we had more servers and more players with Evo... but it was very short lived - like a week or two (we had about 40 servers at one point, and 130 odd players online).

However, email Finalday or Mental and see what they think - they may work out how to implement it, or whether to take it further.

Post Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:33 pm

I think it would be great for the TLR community to nominate mods and then have the staff vote on them for different awards (Like best ships, best new feature, and of course best mod in general). Make lots of awards so more mods could win something and have something to be proud of.

I'd be glad to help out by writing up a plan and list of awards if you wanted to go through with it. I honestly think that the community could use something like this to give modders a little more to work towards and something to help bring together all the various modders and communities.

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