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Is there a maximum post ammount?

Here you can suggest and discuss changes to the Lancers Reactor website as well as provide feedback on things small or large.

Post Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:06 am

Is there a maximum post ammount?

Just wonderin, is there a maximum ammount of post a thread can have, or is it unlimited?

Post Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:12 am

There's no limit on posting but there are certain things you cannot post.
This is a family site meaning that we have people of all ages and we don't want to receive email's from an upset Mom telling us that their daughter or son is not welcome to use these forums any longer.

Also if you spam too much sw, finalday, parabolix, chips, harrier, esqualix, fearfactor, electricbrain and a few others might edit or delete what you wrote.
But these forums are also here for everyones enjoyment, we all know that and the moderators are great people that volunteer their free time to help out and are very tolerant in most cases.

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