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Regarding Deleted/Locked Threads

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Post Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:57 pm

Regarding Deleted/Locked Threads

I realize that we have been having problems with people who are saying that mods injustly locked or deleted their posts. These issues have led to serious problems, such as members leaving the site or flaming moderators. I think that this is an important issue, and one that needs to be dealt with.

So, as a possible resolution for this problem, I have an idea.

Currently, mods have free reign (At least as far as I am aware of) to lock or delete threads that they feel need to be locked or deleted. This idea of trusting the mods has worked in the past, but recently seems to have encountered problems.

So, to fix the problem, I think that maybe the admins should establish a loose set of rules and guidelines for which threads should be deleted and locked. An example:

1. Threads that contain uncensored vulgar language, sexual themes, or MOST EXTREME flaming of another member of TLR should be deleted by moderators.

2. Threads that could potentially spawn spam, or threads that contain spam, as well as more mild cases of the above should be locked. In addition, overly long threads may be locked.

Basically, something like that, if it is common knowlege of all TLR members, could be effective in stopping the problems that the site has recently faced. Moderators should follow these rules, and admins should keep free reign over locking and deleting since it is their site.

It is my opinion that deleting threads should only be used in the most extreme cases, especially since moderators now are doing things such as deleting opposition threads to things they have done, such as the case with the April Fool's issue.

I just want to make it clear that I am not attacking anyone with this, I am just suggesting something that could help the site a lot. I support the moderators, and I feel that this could actually help the moderators, rather than hinder them as it may appear at first glance.

Now discuss.

Post Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:49 pm

Actually, a group of rules has already been set up by Eraser.

Post Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:51 pm

Oh, brilliant!

I hope that they are avaliable for everyone to see, since having a secret set of moderator rules would defeat most of the purpose anyways. Thanks for letting me in on that!

Post Mon Apr 04, 2005 5:00 pm

They would not essisarily be published. A teacher in a school has rules he or she goes by, but are not published to the general public. It would be up to Eraser, though i doubt they would be published.

Post Mon Apr 04, 2005 9:27 pm

But I think that publishing the rules, and making them common knowlege, would help people to know if they had a real reason to be angry at moderators for deleting or locking their threads. If everyone knew, then people would be less likely to attack the mods because they would know if the mods were stepping over the line drawn by the admins.

Besides, making the rules public knowlege would also remind people that the mods aren't free-reigning evil dictators (or whatever) that can do whatever they want. The mods have rules that govern their behavior too, and if some people here at TLR realized that, things could improve for everyone.

And all my teachers share their rules with the class.
Maybe I misunderstood you, or maybe you've just been out of school a bit too long.

Post Tue Apr 05, 2005 9:57 am

Well, its an ongoing process, the rules we mods currently have, is just a start.
At this stage, the procedure, is that if you are not satisfied with a lock or deletion, you email the responsible mod, if you are not satisfied with the mods reaction to your email, or you do not know who the mod is, email Bakedpotato or Eraser, just remember, Bp an Eraser get a lot of emails each day, so they can take a while to respond.
Does this help a bit?

Post Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:58 am

Mistakes have been made in the past, no doubt, but Eraser's rules for us are fair, well thought out, and give the benefit of the doubt to our members.

A short synopsis if there's an issue. If a post is particulary vulgar or threatening to another member, it's deleted immediately, and the poster is emailed about it. This is why we insist on having an email we can send messages to. We don't care if it's your primary email, a hotmail or yahoo or gmail account is fine, as long as we can get a message to the offender.

If a thread is turning into a spamfest, and has lost its purpose, and really has no way of getting back on track, we'll lock it, with an explanation and leave it up for a day or so, then delete it. We want to make sure people have a chance to see why a thread was deleted. If warranted, we'll email the original poster.

If a thread has to be moved, especially spoilers in discussion forums, again, we post the reason for the move, and email the original poster so that person can find the thread.

If a thread is well discussed, non-threatening, interesting, and may go somewhat over the line about politics, religion, etc, we'll leave the thread going, maybe adding a note that we'll need to keep an eye on it, but will let it go as long as it's polite and the posts are about ideas, not about bashing another's thoughts. Again, benefit of the doubt, but if it crosses the line and bashing happens, we'll go through the locking, then deleting procedure.

We also enjoy participating in conversations. We thought for a while that we'd not use our moderator names when just participating, but decided that although we are moderators, and have to carry out duties when need be, we're also members of this community and like to be parts of good conversations, and be helpful whenever possible.

We've learned from our mistakes, and I think we have a very good set of rules and regs which we all follow.

Post Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:38 pm

Welcome to TLR Land...don't @#$% up!

Merc for hire...but only if you can afford it.

Post Tue Apr 05, 2005 1:55 pm

yay more rules to break...

Post Tue Apr 05, 2005 2:06 pm

Guys, c'mon, we've lightened up big time! Seriously.

Posting Rules

We don't have many rules on the Forums, but we do have some - which we request you observe during your posting please!

* Do not discuss the following, as they are forbidden: Politics, Religion, Cloaks.
* Please don't use capital letters in the subject lines for new threads.
* Don't use smilies or emoticons in the subject lines of new threads.
* Please do not post multiple full size images in threads - see here for what to do.
* Refrain from using any language that is a slur or swear word - your posts will be edited or deleted.
* Please try the Search function if you are looking for information on the Forums.
* Consider which Forum your topic is best suited for before posting - no point putting a modding topic in Freelancer Discussion for example.
* Do not flame, abuse, or post anything that is insulting towards other members, but instead treat one another with respect.
* Refrain from posting in old threads unless your comment is on topic, and contributory. Comments of 'Thanks' or 'Ace' are not considered contributory.
* Lancers Reactor is not a neutral ground to flame or bash clans or servers, so do not attempt this.
* If there is an issue with a Moderator's decision - please email the Moderators, or the site owners Eraser and/or bakedpotato. Please DO NOT argue on the Forums about this!

These are what's been posted on our rules and regs for a long time. What I said certainly doesn't add to it, if anything, it relaxes it and gives more benefit of the doubt to our members.

Edited by - Boscoe on 4/5/2005 3:10:40 PM

Post Tue Apr 05, 2005 2:11 pm

Thanks for helping to clear that up. I had just never seen a specific set of policies for locking or deleting threads, so I didn't think we really had one. I am glad we do.

Post Tue Apr 05, 2005 2:15 pm

the fact that there's no policy on locking/deleting threads (except that one about swearing) is what's disturbing imo.

Edit: I have to admit that letting the recent political discussion in one of the threads devellop is an improvement. The decision to delete is, imo, not.

Edited by - Nickless TW on 4/5/2005 3:16:44 PM

Post Tue Apr 05, 2005 3:04 pm

The thread you are referring to started innocently enough, but in time the name calling and finger-pointing started happening. Both me, the originator, and Taw, the original receipient, agreed the thread should be deleted. Flaming, bashing, insulting one's race, wil NEVER be tolerated on this site. Period, end of sentence!

Post Tue Apr 05, 2005 4:51 pm

Got to agree with Boscoe on that one...I've posted on several boards including this one and I've never seen one thread involving politics/religion or evolution not disintegrate into an "argument." Its better all around to avoid it if at all possible. You want to have a discussion on it? Go to a coffee house or go to a website that specializes in those sort of things.

Merc for hire...but only if you can afford it.

Post Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:02 pm

I must also state my opposition to thread and post deletion. I feel that it is something that should *only* be done under exceptional circumstances. Locking a thread and then deleting it because it it spam-filled seems like over-kill. Surely a *click* coupled with a post by the staff member in question explaining their rationale for locking the thread is sufficient. What's the harm in leaving a spam-filled thread up? It would encourage more spam? *Rolls eyes*

In regards to the set of rules, I must concur with Jacob and further, I feel that keeping TLR's "Code of Conduct" secret is a fallacy. Many businesses possess a "Code of Conduct" which is available to the public, and is something that is regarded as part of good customer relations. Do I have an example? Of course I do! Here. Surely the publishing of TLR's "Code of Conduct" would be only beneficial because it would allow people to identify their transgressions if one of their threads is locked, as well as foster trust and understanding. How? Because by examining the Code, posters could see that the staff members are operating according to the guidelines that have been set out, and are operating within their role. In addition, perhaps amending the Code and/or forum "Rules and Regs" based upon the input of the forum posters may be a good idea, because it would allow them to have a direct say in the way in which the forums are overseen. Such a scheme would work by posting a thread in an appropriate forum and perhaps having it linked to the frontpage, and getting some intelligent and productive discourse made available. After all, if people provide input to a process or procedure, they are more likely to follow it because they were personally involved in its creation.

Edited by - esquilax on 4/5/2005 7:04:35 PM

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