Sat May 01, 2004 9:48 am by Chips
If it was done correctly - maybe it wouldn't bog the server, but lets face it, hardly anyone listens to the "smaller" rules here, and so it would be abused, or people would be too lazy to adjust size of pics. Each pic that might be posted could be about 100-600k if in jpg format. If it was in BMP (which some numb nutts never realise there is a difference), it can be 1.5-2.5 MEG of siz.
Now stick ten of those in one thread, and try to read it with a 56ker....its a mini download each time they view it, and of course it would kill them (not really - but its bloomin annoying). Further more - if it gets viewed alot, then it will keep eating up that much bandwidth here too........which puts an added strain on the servers for any website (hence why many won't let you right click/link images from its a MASSIVE drain when people link FROM you images....and that would happen too...
There are lots of reasons why not.......however, its up to Bargib - i am only posting a reply as my own website admin - where i have to keep a close eye on bandwidth (I only have a few images on my site, but it takes 2.6-3 gigabyte of bandwidth a month!)