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Post Sun Feb 08, 2004 8:18 pm



How hard would it be to incorporate a booleen style search on the DB? You know how we're all famous for our insanly good spelling around here.

The boolean would make the search that smarter of a tool and finding posts might be easier and more accurate. Wildcard character searches would be the best though. You're code man, you'd know for sure.

Rob "Stinger" Lordier
Moderator - Lancers Reactor
Creator Privateer FAQ
no good deed will ever go unpunished
Current server obsession - Boston Freelancer Server - very nice community
"Corwin02 spell-checked" for ackuracee

Post Sun Feb 08, 2004 11:16 pm

Speaking of search, I searched for references to the "Ozo" character in FL and I got a response from the search saying "You must at least enter 3 characters to search!" O-z-o, yup, there's 3 characters ... things that make you go hmmm. After trying it a few times, it worked once out of maybe 8 times, hmmm.

Sir Spectre

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