What are you talking about? Interviews? For what purpose? If you want to know what people are like read my plays. I am very particular to get their personalities down as well as possible. And I use a lot of direct quotes from their posts. The links are below, if you're interested.
Sir Spectre
My Humorous & True Lancers Reactor Plays; with REAL posters as characters in these divine comedies, hosted right here on TLR:
"Much Uba About Nothing"
"This might be the funniest thread EVER seen on these forums. Encore!" - Stinger
"The Taming of the Psycho" (Hey)
"Bravo! Bravo! Wow your writing is impressive!" - mb52
"If I video'd my face while reading this, it would've been a comedy in itself." - Imagine
"Reynet - The Prince of Starfyre"
"I be damned if this isn't your best play yet Sir Spectre. - Nickless