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Minor Forum Glitch Discovered.

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Post Thu Nov 27, 2003 5:33 pm

Minor Forum Glitch Discovered.

Link to original thread.

I set the filter to show topics from the last year whilst browsing the "Freelancer Discussion" forum. Doing so denies me access to the "Freelancer General Editing Forum" when I click its link located on the "Forums" page. Setting the filter to show topics from the last 30 days granted my access into the "Freelancer General Editing Forum" although I could only filter topics from the last 100 days in this forum, unlike the "Freelancer Discussion" forum where I could obviously show topics from the last year.

I hope this helps. :-)

Post Thu Nov 27, 2003 7:03 pm

i see you took my advice anyway someone'll take note of this here

"Make it so"
Captain Jean Luc Picard,Star Trek TNG

Post Sat Nov 29, 2003 2:46 am

ya doesn't it give some error like "overflow?"
Find the cookie on your machine called NumDays from lancersreactor and delete it. You should be able to get back on the boards you couldn't before. I guess 1 year worth of posts is too much for the server/bandwidth to handle.

Zlo: There be worse ways to lose a reputation.
Rilmsio: How so?
Zlo: To be caught too well knowing a goat.
Sir Spectrespeare

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