Wed Feb 19, 2003 7:37 pm by El Poyo Diablo
GE, basicvally all it amounts to is being able to survive until the Bentusi make a timely intervention and give you Super-Acolyte technology. Superacolytes are basically acolytes except their primary wepaon is two ion cannons, they can be EXTREMELY deadly if you get a squadron of twelve together. 2 squadrons of twelve and you pretty much have the equivalent of 24 ion cannon frigates moving around at the speed of an interceptor!
You also want to have two princiapl strike groups, with one Dreadnaught at the head of each group. Leave a third smaller task force comprised of (defenders I think, or whatever unit gives you the ability to form a protective shield around a friendly unit) and a fighter screen to look after the Kuun-Lan. The two principal strike groups should each concentrate on the Nomad Moon's protective orbs that are above and below it, once the repulsor orbs are gone, concentrate on the moon itself. Ignore the Imperialist Taidanii fleet that goes steam rolling toward the Kuun-Lan, your defenses should be able to hold out long enough for you to take out the moon. When the moon is gone, the Taidanii will retreat...Then you have one FINAL challenge that I won't spoil, I'm surer you can get it on your own. If you can get far enough to destroy the Nomad Moon you'll be quite capable of dealing with the final threat. One hint: Massive all out assault with every piece of hardware you can muster, don't hold back.
Edited by - El Poyo Diablo on 19-02-2003 19:54:59