Mon Feb 10, 2003 6:33 pm by Ugnaught
My wife had a baby on thursday. We're going to call her Elizabeth. For all you metric system guys she was 4.15kg and 54.0cm long. For the rest of you guys she was 9lbs 2oz and 21 1/4 inches. We had no idea the baby was going to be so big and my poor wife was pushing hard for more than two hours and not getting anywhere. I was totally wiped and I had the easy part. Then we decided to have a caesarian and get the baby out that way. They pulled her out and all the nurses are saying, "what a big baby, she's half grown". Mom and baby are doing fine now. I've already started the baby out watching cartoons and Star Trek, so she's on the right track. We're also going to get her started on Sesame Street and Blues Clues (we're anti-Barney at my house, and I'm convinced the Tele-tubbies make kids dumber so we won't be watching them). I'll start her out on video games as soon as she can hold a Gamecube controller.
Let's get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!