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Geforce FX review....

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Jan 27, 2003 1:50 pm

Geforce FX review....

What can you say,Hopefully they'll have they can get more performance out of this chip before it ships.

Click here for review

Post Tue Jan 28, 2003 4:42 pm

Attracting more advanced users ?

Now that's has got to be one of the funniest comments of the day.What I have found out concerning the drivers of ATI is a TOTAL fallacy I didn't even do a format & some of the old voodoo drivers are still on my hardrive & the cared still functions like a dream with ALL games EXCEPT those that preferred glide like wing commander prophecy & Deus Ex

what the frig is Ansiotropic Filtering anyway?

Here's something that might explain more in detail from an old review.Basically what it does is that it makes existing textures look much sharper.I to have never really understood the what the big deal of Anistropic filtering was as well,until upgraded from my voodoo 5 to a Radeon 9500 pro & playing a game like Hegemonia there is absolutely NO turning back.I'll post some in-game screenies later showing the difference.

And yeah, I think that gigantic cyborgian appendage they call a cooling fan symbolizes the strain on Nvidia to push their lagging, outdated 128-bit technology. Why didn't they just channel all that marketing hot air, and the inevitable cost of having to mount such a huge and expensive part onto their card, into improving their tech? Probably has something to do with business cycles, investor expectations, etc
Heh,what I find most amusing is that usually you'd expect a fanbase to back-up the they cheer-on the most but after visiting the nvnews forums that perspective took a 180 degree flip.

Post Tue Jan 28, 2003 5:03 pm

We'll see who'll rule the VC industry... we'll just see....

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 12:05 am


- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
"I think Juni has a drinking problem. We're always meeting in bars." -- Trent

Edited by - ElectricBrain on 29-01-2003 05:30:23

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 12:14 am

LOL, check these out too.

Video of 9700Pro
Video of GFX

Listen to these in order. Its absolutely hilarious with the high pitched whine and all:
MP3 of 9700Pro Booting up
MP3 of GFX Booting up
MP3 of GFX in 3d performance mode

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
"I think Juni has a drinking problem. We're always meeting in bars." -- Trent

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 1:18 am

first of all the 256 mb memory on the ATI 9700 Pro is overkill, and the GeForce FX is being designed with the doom 3 engine in mind so the new features may relate to that anyway the Fx is still a faster card when you come right down to it and it hasn't come out yet so everyone is just going on possibly old info i'll wait to see before i buy though, btw my friend's dad works for nvidia and he said that they are making an inexpensive card ($50) that will be pretty fast better than a high end Geforce 3 anyway so ill probably buy that

I rule the world incognito!

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 2:36 am

Hey the more memmory the bettter! And dont u forget it

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 3:36 am

Oh man LMAO, those pics are classic EB.

Seriously though, from the look of things the GFFX isn't all it cracked up to be. I've always been a staunch Nvidia supporter but it looks as though ATi have won this round. Personally, if I was buying a new card i'd be going the 9700.

That would be purely on price though. I do believe once the GFFX drivers are given a chance to catch up it probably will outclass the 9700 in most areas.

Edited by - Mustang on 29-01-2003 03:38:16

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 4:02 am

Godlike, the 9700Pro has a 256bit memory interface, and its doing hella good for the Radeon, shown by the massive bandwidth which is much higher than the GFX.

And sure its faster, but wouldnt u expect that from a card coming out 6 months later???? And faster yeah, but by only a small margin. it's not going to be worth it to buy the GFX.

The $50 card is prolly the next MX series, tho i seriously doubt they will make it $50.

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
"I think Juni has a drinking problem. We're always meeting in bars." -- Trent

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 4:07 am

that's what he said... my friends dad is directly involved with this card's production anyway we won't know exactly how good it is untill it comes out

I rule the world incognito!

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 4:32 am

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, those pictures are hilarious! Holy crap....

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 9:23 am

I don't really get the joke...can someone explain?

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 9:30 am

The cooling system used on the GFX is LOUD! Just download those MP3s and see. It's been measured to be equal to a vacuum cleaner in noise.

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
"I think Juni has a drinking problem. We're always meeting in bars." -- Trent

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 11:05 am

The noise is kind like that of a cesna (small airplane). I don't want that in my pc caus it is waaaaaaaaay to loud and just isn't fast enough to justify it

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 11:49 am

I just listen to those MP3's, I read that it was loud but I didn't think it would actually sound like a hair dryer.

I really do wonder what the guys at Nvidia are saying about those pics, man I am still killing myself laughing everytime I look at them.

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