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William Gibson book tour

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Jan 27, 2003 12:17 pm

William Gibson book tour

There's at least one thing I'm envious of you Canadians over, and that's the fact that William Gibson lives there (and if none of you have even heard of him, for shame!). At any rate, he's got a new book coming out and a tour to go with it. I've no idea if he's making the rounds in Canada at all, but there's a number of stops on his U.S. tour, and lucky for me I live about six blocks from one and within driving distance of three others.

Anyway, if any of you have read his stuff and live in the U.S., here is a list of dates and stops for the tour.

Gibson is practically the father of cyberpunk, if you weren't aware.

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 6:39 am

william gibson is an awsome writer. if you havnt read his books, they are awsome. he (i think) started the whole cyberpunk thing, which is very cool.
i have read all tomarrows parties and neuromancer and maybe more of his books...

Post Wed Jan 29, 2003 7:10 am

Heya Antimatter. Welcome to the forums!

I've got All Tomorrow's Parties sitting on my desk, waiting for a good stretch of free time so I can start reading it (although I could probably finish it pretty quick if I just stopped posting here for a week!). The only book I read was Neuromancer, but as soon as I finished it I knew I was a big fan. I've also read Johnny Mnemonic in the Burning Chrome collection, which is incredible. Not to mention I love how it explains some of the stuff Molly talked about in Neuromancer.

The new book, like any of his books, has been getting rave reviews. It's roommate pointed out once that every time Gibson comes out with a new novel, critics are always saying it's his best one yet.

Hehe, titbits.

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