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APEC 2007 Security Breach

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Post Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:16 am

APEC 2007 Security Breach

During Australia's APEC where 21 world leaders came to Sydney to discuss Trade, a group of 11 television producers with 2 of them directing the rest of the 9 producers from the TV show " The Chaser's War on Everything " led a fake motorcade of 2 Big vehicles on in front and one on the end and the middle car was a holden draped with a Canadian Flag. Symbolizing as if the car had the Canadian Prime MInister in it to which it was Chas Licciardello that was actually in there dressed as Osama Bin Laden

This was how it unfolded, they led it to the first check point, that is the first entrance of the 'Ring of steel' surrounding the secured area and the police let them in without bothering to read their passes clearly marking 'JOKE' and 'CHASER'S WAR' and the little description of 'It's obvious this isn't a real pass' after they went through, they approached the second checkpoint but were not stopped at all and told to continue through without stopping.

At this point, the pranksters/jokers leading the three cars decided themselves to turn around and go back after they realized that they WEREN'T going to be stopped by the police and that they were already in front of George Bush's hotel (which is what they said they were closer than 10m). The police said they could go back and an officer even said "The roads yours mate"

Then next the comedians got Chas to step out of the car dressed as Osama Bin Laden and the police realized after spotting the fake Osama that it was a hoax and escorted them out with force quickly, detaining them and now they are awaiting to attend court.

This was broadcasted all over the world.

What are you opinions, was the stunt funny, or should all 11 co-ordinators of the prank be dealt with seriously?

Post Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:45 am

my opinion doesn't really matter - they're sure to get whatever books there are to throw, thrown at them. embarass the government, any government, and their pathetic so called security, and you're sure to bring down the fire, as we saw with the ATHF movie promo.

Post Sat Sep 15, 2007 7:14 am

Yes, I suppose they will have to figure out the solutions coming out of the books of law.

What's bizarre was at the day they began their show, they showed you everything that they did, telling you how it all started, how it all kept going and how it ended. They totally showed you how they all did it together.

This was made possible because some of the 11 people co-ordinating the joke were dressed as body guards and held cameras as they went through to film the event. They even had extra people to go on rooftops to film them and others standing in areas out of the 'Ring of steel' to film the whole fake motorcade going through from different angles.

Post Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:25 am

which all tells you that security in the so-called war_on_terror is a bad joke, really. You can't take drinks onto aeroplanes and you can't protest outside Parliament but you can waltz through massive police and military forces dressed as Osama, right to the point where you're outside Mr War_on_Terror's hotel. Unless the Oz police like a good laugh, that is.

Post Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:54 am

i was curious what about what ever happened to that cheeky bloke who went for a walk downtown wearing a high-end alien costume - that was funny hehe

i can't hear the audio on this video it seems to be really quiet on my weak speakers

oh yeah i'm watching other chaser's war clips on teh noobtube, hiilarious stuff

Edited by - Cold_Void on 9/16/2007 1:03:23 PM

Post Sun Sep 16, 2007 3:13 pm

The event did indeed highlight some serious flaws in the system, but Australians are notoriously lazy; the security staff probably couldn't be bothered checking their credentials . In any case, I wouldn't call the event "dangerous", because Australians don't have a habit of shooting people (except people with knives threatening police officers), but that's another story (the Orstraylians know what I'm talkin' 'bout).

In regards to the stunt being "dangerous" however, was it really? There was a very interesting opinion piece in "The Age" last week, that highlighted several points that I had considered myself and confirmed some of my hypotheses. Namely, are the members of "The Chaser Team" really as "courageous" as they purport to be? After all, when there are no consequences to any of their actions, how can they been seen as such shining beacons of courageous satire? After all, where's the risk? It is said (and it may be incorrect) that the team themselves are always accompanied by ABC security staff when filming on location, namely to prevent things from getting out of hand. If so, why wouldn't they risk provoking people? The other thing is that they are supported at all times by a veritable army of ABC lawyers and solicitors that are paid to bail them out of any trouble that they get themselves into. Once again, where's the risk? That is the issue that I see, and you can see examples of the same mentality anywhere. After all, when you have a gang to back you up, you are far more likely to take risks than when you are on your own. Think about it.

As for the show itself, I find it to be watchable, however it lacks the intelligence and subtlety that the previous series "CNNNN" possessed. CNNNN was an excellent example of satire, however "The Chaser" has stooped to hidden camera footage, obvious stunts and crude humour that appeals to the lowest common denominator. This helps to explain why they have become so popular, but the majority of the viewers only know of them from their work on "The Chaser's War on Everything", as opposed to their previous shows and of course, "The Chaser" publication (now at Still, their election coverage later in the year should be amusing, but the good satire that they once possessed? It is largely absent these days *sigh*.

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