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Chinese River Dolphin humilates stupid foreign scientists..

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:10 am

Chinese River Dolphin humilates stupid foreign scientists..

Know-it-all Western scientists recently declared that the Chinese River Dolphin is now extinct

but what's this splish-sploshing about in the Yangtze the other day?

Why it's Fong-Wa Frippa, the not actually extinct at all Chinese River Dolphin!
In an aquatic parody of the Monty Python "I'm not dead yet sketch" while po-faced scientists and environmentalists were dourly mourning the extinction of the Baiji, the Chinese River Dolphin, if they'd bothered to look out of the window they'd have seen ol' Fripper out there, doing his stuff, balancing balls on his nose, eating fish, jumping through hoops.

(alright, I know that they said "functionally extinct" and didn't discount possible isolated specimens, but it's the timing that's so apt - Chinese River Dolphin extinct, say scientists; No we frippin' not! say the dolphins.)

Edited by - Tawakalna on 8/30/2007 9:43:38 AM

Post Thu Aug 30, 2007 6:17 am

Taw's speaking dolphin now?

they NEVER know if there isn't one lurking some where. Just look at our forums.

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