Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:28 am by Tawakalna
bah, eclipse rubbish; as per usual it wasn't visible from Britain, and even if it had been, we wouldn't have seen anything for cloud. The Perseids were a washout like everything else (Argolids, Mars, eclipses, comets - we never get to see anything!)
back in 1973 (when I was a little Mullah with my mum's tea towel round my head) Patrick Moore went on and on about Comet Kahoutek, supposed to be the most spectacular thing in the sky for years, promising a magnificent display in the western sky every night. Well, yours truly went out every flippin' nigth to look for the dam thing and saw exactly nothing, except rain, and cloud when it wasn't raining, what a gyp. Never seen anything since except Comet Hallé-Boppe and even that was just a dirty fuzzy ball.
Yet still i take myself out in the hope that maybe I migth once see these celestial wonders everyone keeps going on about, never do though. I think they're as fake as those fake moon landings we were conned into back in the 60s.