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You can''t make this stuff up...

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:33 pm

You can''t make this stuff up...

Boy is accused of sausage assault

A 12-year-old boy was charged with assault and taken before the courts - for throwing a cocktail sausage.

The boy was accused of throwing the pork snack at a 74-year-old man in Woodhouse Park, south Manchester.

He denied the charge in a hearing at a Manchester Youth Court, where the judge questioned the decision to prosecute.

Greater Manchester Police and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) are now reviewing the case, which the boy's mother described as an "utter joke".

She told the BBC: "They came to arrest him in my house, they took him into a police van. They took him to Elizabeth Slinger [police station, put him in a cell, took his photographs, his fingerprints, then interviewed him.

"And then they decided to charge him with common assault - with a sausage.

"It had quite a bit of an effect on him. He couldn't sleep. He takes sleeping tablets anyway - but they didn't work."

Asked whether she accepted that he needed to be punished, she told the BBC: "Definitely yes, but not to the extent that they have gone."

The incident involving the boy, who cannot be named, was alleged to have taken place on 11 August.

The victim, who believed he had been hit with a stone, told police it was the latest in a series of incidents in which he had been intimidated by local youths.

Charging the boy was the only option because he had previously been issued with three reprimands, a GMP spokeswoman said.

"The officer's decision to charge was completely in line with standard procedure, and took all available information into consideration," she added.

"Greater Manchester Police takes all incidents of anti-social behaviour very seriously and they are investigated thoroughly."

The police and CPS are now jointly reviewing the prosecution, she added. ... 958826.stm

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:38 pm

Charging the boy was the only option because he had previously been issued with three reprimands, a GMP spokeswoman said.

"The officer's decision to charge was completely in line with standard procedure, and took all available information into consideration," she added.

That's the real interesting point right there.

3 reprimands.

Yeah, it's a sausage - but Police hands are tied with rules and regulations. If "assault" can be classed as being hit with a sausage, or simply being touched by someone - then this is what will happen.

3 warnings before, they don't say what he was warned over do they though? But obviously they've got guidelines or rules in place that after 3 warnings, they get prosecuted.
Shouldn't be throwing things at old people anyway, what happened if the guy had a heart attack and died? It's then manslaughter you know - have to be accountable for your actions after all!

Edited by - Chips on 8/22/2007 3:38:45 PM

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:24 pm

Granted assault with a cocktail frank is funny and bizarre --

but if this kid has been warned 3 times before and keeps getting away with this stuff -- next a rock then a bottle then hey lets set a bum on fire --

seems he has a problem with respect and authority and self control -- if you keep coddling him and forgiving him then all of a sudden youve got a carreer juvie on your hands and then a thug and at last a carreer criminal

-- and it seems his parents don't seem to care that he threw something at a senior citzen -- maybe they should be held financially responsible for his mayhem --

might make then sit up and deal with the situation rather than worrying about their poor dear getting enough sleep

Post Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:03 pm

oh brother what's next a lobotomy for looking at someone cross-eyed

Edited by - arton alpha on 8/22/2007 8:10:35 PM

Post Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:39 am

Maybe the child does need a harsh lesson on having respect for the elderly.

Post Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:56 am

It really depends, an elderly man at 74 years of age is old and quite frail I would have to say.

Could have easily gotten a shock or worse a heart attack, the victim probably needs a walking stick.

I suppose the police think that a boy like this needs to be charged and taught a lesson because they must really think that if he could do something like this, he probably will end up causing something major.

The police might think that he has no sense of respect and consideration for people and that the kid has got no discipline himself and needs to be taught a lesson to make him refrain from doing randomly nasty stunts that nobody needs.

Post Thu Aug 23, 2007 5:48 am

bit of a waste of police resources but I don't what all the fuss is about really, in America kids get shot with tasers! (as do grannies)

it's a dangerous life, having to deal with six year olds and septuagenarians. Thank heavens the British bobbies just took the little scrote down the nick, no doubt to beat a confession out of him, thus solving several dozen unsolved petty crimes in one fell swoop. Another victory for justice and common sense!

Don't forget that as part of the ongoing *War_of_Terror,* the kid in question would have had a DNA sample taken and added to the Police National Database along with the approx. 1 million other kids on the DNA database (yes it's really true, 1 million British children have their DNA samples held by the cops - that's the way to beat Osama and his cohorts!)

Edited by - Tawakalna on 8/23/2007 6:53:02 AM

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