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Long Time no Type?!?

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sun Jul 15, 2007 4:21 pm

Long Time no Type?!?

How is everyone? It's been a while. The wife and I have been busy with school and work... sorry, no rugrats yet. She just finished her Masters in Teaching and starts at a school in the area in August teaching 8th grade math. I am still chipping away at my Biomedical Engineering degree.

So, what has everyone been up to? Do all the Vets still lurk around? Grom, Indy, & Eskie still show up from time to time? Has anyone heard from Taw? Final, how's your beard?

It'll be great to hear from you all.

Edited by - topher on 7/15/2007 5:23:50 PM

Post Sun Jul 15, 2007 4:34 pm

My ears must be ringing

Beard's getting a little thicker and a bunch more grey.

Post Sun Jul 15, 2007 5:24 pm

Well well well.

How're ya doin'? No rugrats yet? Well, if you're both in school, it is a little bit on the "press" side to start a family at the same time ... although I know of others who have done just that ... by putting one or the other one's career on hold.

We're all find chez casa Vampiros Kapitalistos.

Yeah, I pop in now and then. Been on a little streak of sorts, what with "that" thread still reviving itself of occasion.

*thanks Tors ... I guess*

Post Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:50 am

FD's beard is so thick and grey he's taken to collecting gopher-wood and building a large boat-like affair

well thank you for asking, Comrade Topher, my absence was (so far) temporary as it turned out, one of my neighbours at the place I stay during the week thoughtfully forgot to secure his new wireless broadband, so as long as he doesn't realise that I'm leeching his bandwidth, I have a more-or-less ok interweb connection (btw TLR doesn't work well on 384k 3G, I've found out)

so I've been able to poke around here more often than i thought I'd be able to, but not as often as I'd like. After all, there is a war on! (the Eskwilurxian War-of-Error, you may have heard of it?) speaking of which, to bring you up to date on the military situation:-

a floppity-harebrained fifth column opened up the gates of Tawkalnistan to the long-eared vermin, forcing our temporary retreat to a five-star hotel on one of IndyCorp's private islands. Once our forces had regrouped in the Copacabana Bar, we were able to launch a multi-pronged asymmetrical offensive against the hoppity-hares occupying our beloved homeland, only to find out that they'd pooh-poohed everywhere and dug up all the plants, so we moved next door to New Tawakalnistan, taking the light bulbs and doorknobs with us. it's much nicer, and no rabbits!

The Former Tawakalnistani Republic of "Eskwilurxistan" has been reduced to a ravaged rubbish receptacle, ruined by the rapacity of rabbitism (and that foul brew they drink has polluted the water) but I'm sure you'll enjoy finding out the details in those 1400+ posts dedicated to an antipodean chimaera of dubious authenticity.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 7/16/2007 7:01:53 AM

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