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The Curse of the Flying Duckmen aka Drake''s Other Armada..

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:41 am

The Curse of the Flying Duckmen aka Drake''s Other Armada..

I love this story!

I'll paste it out in full rather than a link because it is such a joy to read.

"Ghostly plastic bathtoy flotilla nears Cornish coast!"

Residents of the western UK and Irish coasts have been warned to expect an invasion by a vast flotilla of ghostly, immortal albino plastic ducks, according to reports.

The tale of the floating, whitened bird-simulacra migration is a strange one, dating back many years. It seems that the plastic bathtime companions were originally made in China. They were on their way to America in 1992 when a terrible storm struck their vessel in mid-Pacific, and shipping containers holding 30,000 of the hapless playthings were washed overboard.

A majority of the ducks - at that stage still tinted a healthy yellow - headed south, many of them reportedly finishing up in Australia, where they were doubtless accorded the traditional hostile reception.

Ten thousand of the plastic anatidaens, however, went north, embarking on an endless odyssey across the world's oceans. Like the legendary Captain Vanderdecken in his ill-omened ghost ship the Flying Dutchman, the flocks of plastic kiddy-pals seemed doomed to roam the oceans for eternity.

The luckless fleet of cursed, wandering sea-going toys - Flying Duckmen, perhaps - circled the northern Pacific for some years before a fresh horror befell them as they drifted into the Arctic. Here they became frozen into the pack ice, suffering untold torment in their icy prison as they slowly transited past Greenland into the Atlantic.

Bleached pale by their hellish polar ordeal, the doomed ducks drifted onward. Thawed-out plastic voyagers have landed since the turn of the century in New England, Iceland and Canada, and one may have been found in the western Hebrides in 2003.

A retired American oceanographer named Curtis Ebbesmeyer has monitored the ducks' progress for the past 15 years, and it's his prediction that the plastic playthings' perpetual peregrination may now be headed this way.

Ebbesmeyer briefed the Evening Standard yesterday, saying that "We're getting reports of ducks being washed up on America's eastern seaboard.

"It is now inevitable that they will get caught up in the Atlantic currents and will turn up on English beaches.

"Cornwall and the South-West will probably get the first wave of them."

The Times claims that the globe-trotting bath toys have become collectors' items, and sell for £500. If true, this could mean another greed-crazed beachcomber salvage flotsam bonanza frenzy, with hordes of opportunists descending on Cornish beaches hoping to get rich on the sea's pale, plastic bounty.

We say: bad luck will surely come to those who seek to profit from the Flying Duckmen. Interfere with their eternal voyage at your peril.

(from The Register, biting the hand that feeds IT)

however, the curious tale of the doomed armada of bathroom toys is not new. It was reported in the Volkischer Beobachter erm sorry Daily Mail over a year ago. linky sorry it's the Daily Mail, The Telegraph hasn't reported this wonderful story yet!

one wonders: if the Titanic had been able to utilise this remarkable unsinkable duck-based technology, Mrs Taw wouldn't have been able to make me suffer over 2 hours of Leonardo diCaprio and that bl**dy Celine Dion song!

and finally, here's the oceanographer Curtis Ebbesmeyer's site. (cor luvaduck guv'nor, e don' arf look like that there Finalday fella!)

Post Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:22 pm

i hope disney doesnt get theyre claws into this . they might make a movie about it.

Post Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:41 pm

if they come near the shore, I'm positive they'll turn into some form of terrorist stealth attack, planned by Al Qiediaidida over many years, and set to explode on impact on the coastal towns...

or so the Sun will say

Post Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:21 am

akshuly I really hope that someone does make a film about the doomed ducks, the fantastic fantasmagorical floating flotilla; but not one of the standard kid's fare cgi animation jobbies, something more like The Red Balloon or Microcosm or L'Urse. When you think about it, it'd make a great nature feature, as the plastic peregrinators wander the oceans, from the North Pacific across the Arctic and into the Atlantic.

I shall be keeping an watchful eye on the beaches next week on my hols!

@Chips:- all too likely! however, no doubt some draconian laws will protect us from this latest "threat" - ID cards, indefinite detention without trial, more CCTV, suspension of habeas corpus - thse are the things that will save us from these aquatic conspiracies!

Edited by - Tawakalna on 7/1/2007 4:22:10 AM

Post Sun Jul 15, 2007 4:23 pm

Taw!!!! You came back! Good to see you're still hanging around!

Post Sun Jul 15, 2007 5:29 pm

All bathtubs within 100 miles .... er ....161 kilometers will be brought under x-ray and dna inspection.

Bleached white indeed .... all the better to blend in with the porcelain.

Edited by - Indy11 on 7/15/2007 6:29:38 PM

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