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Vista Released

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:50 pm

*cough* some of us can handle setting up a dual boot quite well *smug mode activated*
linux is not difficult to use productively from my limited experience with it, it just has an intimidation factor that keeps all but the most determined sheeple inside the fence

and yes evil-thing i can see the logic there - the OS is bulk packaged and therefore practically free, and you're getting a brand new computer that has been spec'd for vista's bloat so no performance loss. my issue is with people installing vista on obsolete (used) hardware - this is like putting high octane gas in an older car - you will NOT develop the advertised power because your engine isn't designed for it, and it's most likely going to knock when you don't want it to (like when you're playing your high-demand directx9 games like farcry, oblivion, etc)

obviously i'm talking about single core processors here, not dual cores.

anyways sorry to sound like such a ****, i don't really hope that vista crashes and burns like ME did, i'm just looking forward to having lots of alternatives (have i mentioned Sector 13 runs on linux as well as windoze? heh)

Edited by - Cold_Void on 1/30/2007 5:10:19 PM

Post Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:13 pm

Did a couple updates already, but the hardest thing to get use to is IE7. Ok, maybe tabbed is better, maybe not, but the user bar in IE6 was easyer to get around in.

Post Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:09 pm

Don't really see the need at the moment, if i've got some spare scratch lying around at some stage i might upgrade, but I'll at least hold out for a few months until the drivers catch up and MS irons out the first few security flaws.

I jumped on the XP beta pretty early but only because the unholyness of 98 required me to rebuild twice a year, so I really felt the need then. However my current build is pretty rock solid, so I'm not really all that keen to go screwing up my peaceful existence for a 3d desktop and (possibly) moderately better design.

Hopefully I can get a copy through work to do some messing around with before I dump it on my home beast.

Post Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:56 pm

i have ie 7 allready but with vista i have get more ram and get a dvd drive put in xp is doing fine in my old machine

Post Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:59 pm

I listed 50 reasons why i want vista in my blog

Post Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:51 am

I've got a question...

Is there any reason why Europeans cannot run a US version?

If not, then methinks there could be a cracking trade on Ebay for US versions of Vista for the EU.

The reason?
Vista is TWICE the price in Europe that it is in the US.
I am not buying unless i get a fair deal, and to be honest, that is anything but fair... it's taking the piss.

Post Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:10 am

Chips, they did that so, us guys living in the US can buy them...and sell them, and bring in the cash.

Post Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:14 am

Chips, just what ARE the US prices?

Home Basic is just over £50. That's £20 more than a newish game. I don't think that's a bad deal at all. Home Premium is £70, not too bad either. I didn't bother checking the other ones.

I don't think MS will be flogging their flagship OS for $50 so what's going on?

Post Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:25 pm

Where are you finding those prices?

Here is the source: BBC

Then the first two places that popped into my head to collaborate the pricing...
Amazon online

After reading the article, it appears the price is set my Microsoft, and not to do with tax differences or other - so at that point, I just assumed it'd be the same everywhere.

Obviously not, but where may i ask is it cheaper? (it actually makes no odds to myself, i have a free copy from the academic alliance - just that pricing appears to be completely made to milk for money, specifically milk the EU for money - probably to pay for billion dollar lawsuits. I can't personally see any reason why it should be 100% more expensive over here, but that's apparently what they set the price at...)


Just heard from a friend that the trade price is £42 after I carried on searching and found places like and overclockers off it for, like you said, about £50 on the basic version. Interooosting, but is OEM not requiring a integral part of a computer to be purchased as well? (I can't remember the old details, been quite a while since I bought anything by this method )

Edited by - Chips on 1/31/2007 2:49:07 PM

Post Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:57 pm

See? Microsoft is only 99.9% evil!

Post Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:18 pm

I'm considering getting it just because I can buy the OEM off newegg for half the price

Post Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:26 pm

To me, it was worth the price of $159 for Home Premium Upgrade. Its $199 for full version. And, the upgrade version CAN do a clean install.

Post Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:18 am

Chips, as far as I can tell, you just install the OEM "as is". Just for God's sake buy the right version (32 or 64 bit). The only difference between retail and OEM that I can tell is that Retail comes with both versions, a fancy box and a shiny manual (or perhaps a fancy manual and a shiny box). OEM is just a DVD, Product Key and basic manual. Not that you need any more... how many times have you read your OS's manual after it's been installed?

Post Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:39 am

i love walmart's page about vista

Key Features -
• Enjoy the awesome Windows Aero visual desktop experience.
• Find documents, email, photos and more in a snap with Instant Search.
• Organize, edit and share your favorite memories with family and friends using the new Photo Gallery.
• Customize your PC desktop with a wide choice of fun and useful Gadgets on your Windows Sidebar.

hehe, hey if that's not worth it what about:

More Entertaining
• Manage and enjoy your favorite digital photos, music, TV shows and movies in your living room with Windows Media Center.
• Keep a world of digital entertainment at your fingertips with Windows Media Center with remote control.
• Bring memories to life, wherever you are. With Windows Media Center on your laptop, you can show full-screen home videos and cinematic slideshows.

"manage" your favorite music and tv shows? oh yeah, i'll be "managing" them- in the form of placing them into playlists. forget about taking a screencapture from office space and making a GIF of michael-bolton smashing the fax machine - that's not within your rights! bah, drm

Post Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:17 am

Hiss! Walmart! Evil! Kill, kill, kill!

*ahem* Excuse me, what I meant to say was:

Meh, advertising doesn't affect me because I'm too damn lazy to buy stuff unless I need it or really, really want it (and can afford it).

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