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Further Education in the family Tawakalna..

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:09 am

Further Education in the family Tawakalna..

My daughter has been offered a place at Magdalene (pron. "Maudlin" College, Cambridge to study, or "read" as they like to say, Classics (Latin and Greek language and civilisation.)For the benefit of colonials, being accepted at Cambridge or Oxford is comparable to getting a place at Harvard or Yale.

I'm extremely proud, although I didn't really expect anything else of her, she's such a swot. Straight A-grades throughout her entire school career, numerous scholarship and academic awards, all that good stuff. Now all I have to do is pay for it - estimated costs for the first year being over 10,000 Tawakalni dinars, which is a significant increase in Tawakalnistan's education budget.

Interestingly, Magdalen has amongst it's' graduates such luminaries as

Samuel Pepys, 17th C diarist, recorder of the Great Plague and the Great Fire of London
Sir Michael Redgrave, actor and progenitor of the acting dynasty that includes Vanessa, and the lovely Joely Richardson
George Mallory, mountaineer who died on Everest in the 20s
Bamber Gascoigne, famous swot and creator of University Challenge
Julian Fellowes, actor and playwright
CS Lewis, author (writer of Narnia,) and theologian
Charles Stewart Parnell, 19th C MP and Irish nationalist
Charles Kingsley, author of the Water Babies
Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, 16th C Anglican martyr and writer of the Book of Common Prayer
Gavin Hastings, rugby player
Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory, one of the Battle of Britain RAF Commanders
Sir Arthur Tedder, Marshal of the RAF during the War
Sir Norman Hartnell, dress designer to the Queen

Honorary Fellows include TS Eliot, Nelson Mandela (who's he? ) Benjamin Britten and Rudyard Kipling. The College dates back to 1482 as a Benedictine foundation and is one of Cambridge's oldest Colleges, and remains one of the smallest, with only (iirc) 300 undergraduates.

She had her interview late last year and was convinced she'd messed it up, as they gave her a real grilling. Burst into tears when she got home, poor thing, but I was confident she'd done alright as traditionally both Cambridge and Oxford give the candidates they want a hard time and the duffers an easy ride, and I knew her language skills were more than adequate (she's actually very good, especially at Ancient Greek which I never really did get the hang of, although i did well with Latin and Arabic.)

Post Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:27 am

Clearly, congratulations are in order.

One question, though, why Cambridge? Oxford's better for the Arts, Cambridge is more science-focused and didn't strike me as the place to do something like Classics.

I, of course, lost the application lottery and got rejected (hooray, now I can tell everyone "I told you so!" - bloody optimists). Then again, the college (Girton, BTW) had a grand total of 8 places for Maths students so the odds weren't exactly in my favour.

I appear to be hijacking this thread and so must henceforth shut up.

Post Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:52 am

She spent a lot of time comparing the Classics courses offered at both Cambridge and Oxford, and decided quite early on that the one at Magdalene was more suitable for her. I can't remember exactly why, I'll have to ask her when she gets back (she's at her clarinet class at the moment) She dis tell me but I forget things these days

She also looked at Univ of London, v good for Classics, Warwick, Exeter, Nottingham, St Andrews (Edinurgh) and Durham, and has been offered places by some of them, but she was focussed on Cambridge since early last year.

Post Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:05 pm

I know someone who just finished at cambridge and same collage as well. Yea random but still lol

Post Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:09 pm

Nice place, Durham. Was thinking of going there but a lot of other people from my school had the same idea. No point competing, I reckon.

Looks like I'll be off to Bristol. Yipee!

Post Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:46 pm

All I can say is WOW

That is great Taw! I don;t know what i'd do if one of my future children got accepted to such a prestigious school.

Congrats for the daughter, Taw!

Post Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:20 pm

Don't go thinking any of those smarts come from your genes, obviously it has been directly infused from Mrs Taw's lineage. Most humble congratulations to Miss Taw from the peoples of Mustantopia on stellar achievement.

Post Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:42 pm

10,000 Dinars? Holy cow. That's expensive but not as ....

Harvard Tuition, 2007 = $33,709; Room and Board = $9,946
Yale Tuition, 2007 = $33,030; Room and Board = $10,020

Anyway, I know you are proud of her. Just don't let the buttons
on your shirts pop off too much.

Edited by - indy11 on 1/4/2007 2:43:11 PM

Post Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:51 pm

wow, that's really expensive! Glad we don't live in the US of A, or we'd be forking out for that. Having said that, your cost of living isn't as much and your wages are higher, so it probably isn't as wide a gulf as it seems.

As it is, I'm going to be penniless for the next 3 years; I've worked it out this evening and basically over half my takehome will go on paying for Sprog 1, another 200 dinars on Sprog 2's school fees, and most of the rest on Mrs Taw's new car and my petrol. Roll on 2010!

'Tang; yeh right, and who's the original Classics buff in the family? Get back in Esquilurx' burrow where you belong!

Post Thu Jan 04, 2007 4:44 pm

Give her a huge congratulations! Awesome stuff

By the way Taw, there was an article in the TellyRag that with US uni's you could get something crazy like 80% of fees paid (or something) if you qualified for various scholarships and doweries (or something they called them). The on-paper price isn't necessarily the actual price paid, it outlined how this chap from the Midlands was studying at one for the same as it cost in uk (about 3k per year)... and that included his living costs, whereas over here that was his tuition fees.

More UK students are opting to study abroad due to this, something to do with nicer campuses and more something or other. I kinda stopped reading as I thought of Canada instead I think the second kicker was that back in me day (talking '98) rent was about £38 per week on the house. When I left leeds, the average was about £60 odd per week, we paid about £75 in my last year. I'd imagine the average price is certainly £70 per week, possibly higher depending upon where you go. Aston's uni accomodation can cost many k's per year (about 4) for a reasonable flat, and I think it's tuition + housing that led to the article about it all.

I'd imagine that if it were a few years later she'd be totting up even more fees though, but it's worth it for those two

Isn't there any scholarships she can apply for or something? Alternatively, send her with no cash except what she's got, and then get her to apply to the hardship funds. Afterwards, send her a wad of cash to make up
Although that student loan looks really nice, try to keep her away from it if possible. My latest statement came in, I owe £17800 pounds on mine, with nothing to show except a battered liver

Edited by - Chips on 1/4/2007 4:47:45 PM

Post Thu Jan 04, 2007 5:16 pm

Congratulations to your offspring taw! It's not everyday that we hear about such things, i just hope that the mints can work fast eough for the tuition!

Post Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:57 pm

Pass along my congratulations. I remember my first Degree very fondly... *Sigh* Ah, those were good times, and she'll "have a ball" as they say. Trust me.

Post Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:03 pm

i think there's a grant you can apply for, and you only pay it off once you get a job, something like £5.25 a week.

Post Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:55 am

Many Congrats to her!

I must say...classical languages...I can't even cope with french!
I wish they taught more languages in school here, then we could start early and not in uni.
In school we basically have a choice of German or Xhosa(differs from province to province)

Anyways...good luck to her.

I've - very fleetingly - played with the idea of an honours at Oxford or Cambridge...but alas...its too expensive! (About 100 000 in our currency)

Post Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:54 am

well now that the congratulations period is over we're having to deal with the practicalities of cost. I had a couple of rather good ideas though...

plan 1... we apply for the student loan anyway and put it into a high interest bearing account, while paying the fees on a monthly basis. Quite possibly we won't be paying the full amount anyway as we're applying for scholarships, bursaries etc. but let's assume for now that we're paying full whack. At the end of 3 years, we pay off the student loan out of what's been put away (they're low or even zero interest?) and then the accumulated savings interest can go towards buying her a car or a deposit on a flat or whatever she needs.

plan 2... we apply for the student loan, she has that to pay her fees etc, we put the monthly amount into a high interest account then pay off the student loan outright when she finishes. the reverse of the first plan, with the advantage that the fees are fully paid in advance but we accumulate less compound interest.

there are other possibilities but these two seem the most sensible. there's no way we want her leaving university with nearly £20K of debt (and to think i used to worry about being a couple of hundred quid overdrawn at the end of summer term back in the early 80s!)

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