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Post Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:08 pm

that's is the most appalling rendition of a Staffordshire accent I've ever come across. May I direct you to Arfur Towcrate, May un Mar Lady, and Jabez? (no not that Jabez)

Post Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:42 pm

Post Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:50 am

"Staffordshire accent"? I wasn't implying that you spoke like Staffordshire resident Mewlah, I was implying that you speak like a Chav!

Post Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:26 am

wrong part of the country for chavvery, O Hare of Limited Geographical Awareness. And, had you ever bothered to pay attention to any of many past postings, you'd know that my cultural and linguistic weltanschaug was formed in the North of England many decades before chavvery (originally a Southern phenomenon) coalesced into the pervasive vile popular post-modern national sub-culture that it is today. I highly recommend occasionally venturing from your Burrow into the "real" world, it will do you good, cobber. it's fair dinkum

Edited by - Tawakalna on 12/5/2006 12:13:25 PM

Post Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:08 pm

Chavs anit a suthern thing no more, go them up north in scotland as well

Post Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:29 pm

Taw - Ah, but did you not say that you had Chavs in your neighbourhood at one point? Hence, it is entirely possible that an easily-influenced (i.e weak-minded ) person like you could have unconsciously picked up a great deal of their vernacular. Plus, you have quite effectively "imitated" them in the past, which indicates a certain familiarity, dare I say fluency in their pidgin tongue. In any case, I stand by my cultural slur! It's either "Chavspeak" with you, or else it is a Staffordshire accent (E.g. 'Fings is gettin' pear-shaped 'round 'ere, I'll just pop up to the shops and pick up a ha'penny o' chips!'), but which is the imitation, THAT is the question.

Oh, and just in case Indy comes along and tries to join in the fun of rabbit-bashing (as he is wont to do), may I just say that I also know how HE speaks and it ain't pretty. I'm on to you Indy!

Post Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:42 pm

he speaks very well for a Noo Dworkian capitalist vampire; his sales pitch for his flakey insurance policies is quite charming in an entertaining sort of way.

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