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Kim Jong-Il to lose iPod privileges..

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:23 am

Kim Jong-Il to lose iPod privileges..

"but will it hold my entire Boney M collection, groovy cat?"

here's the blurb..

Kim Jong-il is to have his access to iPods and other desirable gadgets cut off as part of US efforts to target sanctions directly at the North Korean leader and his power base. Aside from his own personal use, Kim is said to use gifts of Western consumer goods to reward loyal government officials. So, the apparent US State Dept logic goes, restricting his access to such goods will help to erode his power base.

Aside from iPods, a list of items targeted by the US and obtained by the Associated Press, includes Rolex watches, cognac, luxury cars and plasma-screen televisions. Other items on the list are cigarettes, works of art, Harley Davidson motorbikes and even jet skis.

The list of sanctions specifically aimed at the Kim Jong-il government is part of the US response to North Korea's nuclear weapon test on October 9.

Santion, whatever; but what I want to know is, what does Comrade Kim listen to on his pink iPod while doing his aerobics? I just bet he's into mid '70s disco, apparently he's a big Abba fan. Brezhnev used to be partial to Nancy Sinatra, so the story goes.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 11/29/2006 1:35:21 AM

Post Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:32 am

Ol' Leonid was into miniskirted black stocking and booted sex objects that could sing.

I'm sure the Dear Leader listens to hip hop. But the iPods he hands out to his worthy cadre likely only have patriotic hymns and marches.

But if his regime has become as bankrupted ideologically as some of the wishful thinkers in the West believe may be the case, then they're all listening to the kinds of music that is not permitted to the rest of the population.

Edited by - Indy11 on 11/29/2006 6:33:15 AM

Post Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:36 am

Ol' Leonid was into miniskirted black stocking and booted sex objects that could sing

and that's a bad thing? Apparently, Gorachev liked skiffle. Andropov listened to Thomas Dolby. Chernenko didn't even know what decade it was.

hip-hop? quite possibly. But that Kim Jong-Il, he's so unpredictable, he might well get off on Cradle of Filth or summat totally unexpected.

Unfortunately since I saw Team America, I can't really envision Dear Leader Kim without hearing the voice of Eric Cartman.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 11/29/2006 11:10:02 AM

Post Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:51 pm

He may just launch his nukes because he lost access to his favorite Jefferson starship songs.

Post Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:43 pm

I imagine if Kimmy's gone video there's some episodes of "Walker, Texas Ranger" on there... he's to tasteless to be a Battlestar Galactica fan. Nukes are so last century.

Post Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:30 am

He probbly watches MacGuyver, Airwolf, and Streethawk. North Korean agents pick them up in Seoul video stores from the bargain buckets. I hear that Flashdance is an underground hit amongst the N Korean cadres.

However Kim's iPod fetish doesn't match Saddam Hussein and his family appearing on the front cover of Hello! magazine some years ago!

Post Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:22 am

*shudders* a creepy ramadan card hehe

walker texas ranger is actually kinda fun to watch in very small doses - just remember, the program is a few minutes action at the beginning, 10 minutes filler, and 5-7 minutes for the real action, with a few minutes more filler (catch up to bad guy) and then the conclusion-actionand two-days-later resolution scene. i like to tune in half way through the program, as the action is funnier out of context - like walker dropping into a convertible from a helicopter and knocking out it's lady driver with a backhanded fist. it's just like... wtf was that about1!1!? omg lol!

Post Thu Nov 30, 2006 8:41 am

but isn't the real question not so much what Comrade Kim has on his iPod, but whether the international community should give in to him on the iPod issue. After all, give him an iPod, he'll be wanting an XBox, PSP, and a camera phone next!

I read somewhere that Dear Leader Kim actually claims that he invented the iPod (because it so small, it clearly designed by a little guy!) In fact, he's redisgned the DPRK national emblem to show this landmark breakthrough..

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