Post Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:20 am

nice to see research dollars wisely spent...

I love this...


I had to look twice to believe this one. Bomb-disposal bees? What bright spark on earth came up with the (utterly bonkers) idea of using bees to detect explosive devices?

"bzzzzzzz bomb alert bomb alert bzzz.. oh it's a tulip. or is it a bomb? bzzzz <boom>

"ah, nectar!"<boom again>

Nice to know that the boffins at Los Alamos are spending all that research money sensibly. Although i imagine that should this nonsense ever be put into practice (god forbid!) airline passengers might well be stung by more than the outrageous prices at the airport coffee shops! And just imagine the chaos that would ensue should the bomb-detecting bees be unleashed on a plane over the Mid-Atlantic, especially with those expensive perfumes the trolley-dollies sell from the duty-free cart!

"We are very excited at the success of our research as it could have far-reaching implications for both defence and homeland security"

I'm sure it would, if anyone was insane enought to rely on bees (bees!) to secure the safety of a nation. Absolutely brilliant - i think those guys in those labs really need to get out more!

what next I wonder? swarms of hunter-killer stealth wasps? suicide locusts? spy slugs? fireflies that can actually start fires? oh the possibilities are endless.....

Edited by - Tawakalna on 11/28/2006 10:47:22 AM