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Proof that Windows Firewall sucks

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Post Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:07 pm

Proof that Windows Firewall sucks

I've had Firefox for over a year. Just five minutes ago Windows Firewall noticed it was accessing the internet.

Wow... clearly nothing gets by this, eh?

Post Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:44 pm

In all probability, one of the updates fixed the problem that caused it to miss it.

Live One Care is a bit better at it though.

Post Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:52 pm

yeah dead good that FD, you pay them to fix the problems their own flakey operating system causes (which you paid for in the first place) - sounds like a real bargain that <pffft!>

Will you give me some money to put some wet tissue paper covered in dog-pooh next to your computer? it's better than Windows Firewall! Honestly, why bother shelling out good money when you can get Zone Alarm, an excellent firewall that actually works, for free? Kinda not seein' the rationale here, colleague

and as for you, TET, how many times have we said that Windows Firewall is a waste of good electricity? so what are you doing still using it? And you wonder why you have problems with your computer? Just wait till the Hare gets here, he'll tell you what for...

Post Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:19 pm

Well, I actually wasn't going to say anything as the ex-Mullah phrased thing so eloquently (), however...

*Shakes head* Firstly you have posted this in the wrong forum TET, and secondly, why are you surprised? How many times have the problems with the Windows Firewall (WF) been discussed here on TLR, and free alternatives offered? Ah well. I find it amusing however, that you blame the WF for not recognising Firefox until a year after its installation, when it has taken you just as long to process the aforementioned information on these forums and conclude that the WF is essentially useless! Ah, the irony...

Post Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:06 pm

My guess is that TET is running two software firewalls of which Spittooo firewall is one of them. And he probably has a hardware one running through a router as well.

Post Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:17 pm

I didn't need any proof to know it sucks. It works just about as well as (un)Defender. And, on top of that, cruise the Google newswire for the articles about how vulnerable Vista will be now that M$ has made it nearly impossible for security companies to write any protective software.

Post Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:53 pm

That's a concern certainly, but the licensing for Vista is also awful. I hate product activation...

Post Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:27 pm

I have Windows Firewall on because I can't be bothered to turn it off. I currently use a hardware firewall on the router. I attempted to install ZoneAlarm on top but it caused a stop error whenever I tried to run it, so that was short-lived.

I'm not surprised in the slightest. I know for a fact Windows Firewall is complete rubbish. I just thought it was rather amusing, s'all.

Edited by - The Evil Thing on 10/22/2006 9:27:53 PM

Post Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:21 pm

Its not secret... hell, the thing cant even block programs properly

for example (true story): Just the other day i was browsing through the Counter-strike servers, and saw a new modded version (dynamic pricing, in case you were wondering). so i get it, and play for about a half hour, totally fine

After a while, i eventually close it down. the thing takes a few moments to shut down, and what do i see when it closes? none other than 'Windows firewall has blocked some features of hl2.exe, do you wish to unblock?'.
Not only did it fail to notify me (CS kept running, it didnt shove it off to tell me it was blocking), it alse failed to actually BLOCK the traffic at all!
Some firewall...

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