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This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:30 am


I found a link to this site.

Try it and let us know how good you are at it

Post Sat Sep 30, 2006 6:08 pm

What's the answer to the first part? Man, I feel stupid.

Post Sat Sep 30, 2006 7:00 pm

Other than there really isn't a riddle to begin with, No such luck with this one, then again I hated Myst games that offered no clues.

Post Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:00 am

Killa don't worry, someone else had to help me with that one as well, apparently, "reading between the lines" means looking at the source code.
From there it is quite easy to find the password.
I'm stuck on the second one, apparently everyone stuggles with it.

Post Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:20 am

Enter the obligitory Not Pron link.

Few notes, it IS safe for work though the clue in some of the levels is in the music so a headset of some sort maybe a good idea.
Despite its appearance, its NOT one of those sites where something jumps out at you (and you jump out of your skin to the amusement of whoever is sat around you).


Post Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:00 am

I don't even know how to get the source code.

At first I figured there was no password seeing as I couldn't find anything in between the lines. I've never been good at riddles.

Edited by - Killa on 10/1/2006 9:00:21 AM

Post Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:03 am

Yeah the source code was one of my first guesses, because I had seen something similar when some people were trying to identify a "mystery person" in a book by looking at a page he designed. But unfortunately I don't know how to find the source code so I was stuck with trying to find the password somewher ehidden in the text. Incidentally, I interpereted the riddle as to read a book called "between the lines" and there was a book by that name.


Post Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:07 am

source code

<TITLE>+Ma's Reversing - deserve it!</TITLE>

<BODY TEXT="#00bb00" BGCOLOR="#000000" LINK="#00dd00" VLINK="#00bb00" ALINK="#00bb00">

<table border="0" align=center width=80%>
<tr><td bgcolor=#008000>
<p align="center"><font size="5" color=#000000>My (not so) new site</font></p>
As you may have noticed yet, nothing is really free nowadays: and so will be for my site too.<br>

<!-- Hello, readers -->
Don't misunderstand me: I won't (ever!) ask you for money. Nor I will spam you. Nor I will
<!-- As you may have understood, this is the first riddle: I thought that giving it in clear -->
show you banners (that is why, I think, virtualave guys didn't like my page much . You will
<!-- would have been too easy, so first read the tutorial from the address -->
be able to access all the information I used to give you, but you will have to deserve it.<br>
<!-- ... s/lessons/ -->
<!-- These are VERY interesting crypto lessons, IMO, and will help you crack this easy -->
How does it work? You will just have to solve some riddles, or publish tutes about some
<!-- simple substitution cypher: -->
projects I will propose (or about things you like... but I cannot assure you _I_ will like them
too so be careful .<br>

<!-- Why did I wrote it all uppercase? Easy: just use a case sensitive text editor and -->
The first riddles will be easy: I don't want to keep out (almost) anyone from my site. The next
<!-- use replace to convert every uppercase cyphered letter in a lowercase plain one. It's -->
ones will be harder, and will give you access to information I hope you will consider more interesting.
<!-- easier than paper -->
The last ones (if there ever be last ones) will be VERY hard... and the information will be MORE
<!-- Once you have found the right password, insert it after your login in THIS -->
interesting, of course: information which cannot be easily found by search engines, due to the
<!-- page: if the login you've chosen is not used by anyone else and the password is -->
particular shape of this site; information that you can spread in other ways, if
<!-- right, you'll jump to level 1. Don't worry, you will then be prompted for a new -->
you like; information which are indeed FREE, but only for the ones who deserve it.<br>
<!-- pass to avoid others using your account. -->
<!-- NOTE: if the URL doesn't work, try /lanaki dir on this website instead -->

Here is my new site: a game I hope you and I will enjoy, a source of information which can
become useful for reversers, and a way to meet new people and work with them. Because, of
course, you can work with others to solve the riddles: the solutions will work for your
different logins and give you all access to the next level. Also, I don't mind _how_ you
solve the riddles: if you are able to find the password in any more creative way (stalking,
searching, cracking, and so on) you're allowed to do it. Just two requests: first, don't
damage the server where my pages are hosted; second, teach us the technique you have
used or the tools you've created to find the password.
I think that's all, for now. Read between the lines and find the password that, together
<!-- HINT: the cyphertext is written in English. -->
with the login name you choose, will allow you to start the game.
<form action="login.php3" method=post>
<input name=login><br>
<input name=pass type=password><br>
<input type="submit" name="riddle_submit" value="Log in">


<p align="center">
<a href="mailto:[email protected]">

</HTML> home of ** uk server **

Post Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:43 pm

It's much easier to read within firefox...because it's color coded and italicised

Post Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:58 am

I can't read that file when I download and unzip it. It's in some weird format.

Post Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:29 am

YOu can right click I think and then say "open with" and then choose wordpad

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