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Road Rage

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:00 pm

Road Rage

I saw this on another forum...I thought it might make for an interesting conversation. Though I have not had any experience with road rage yet...i was wondering what your guys' worst experience with it was?

Post Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:11 am

One day, I was waiting to make a left turn out of my school parking lot. Traffic was particularly heavy, and I had to make it across a minimum of three lanes. Because of this, the wait was desperately long for the turn, and cars began to pile up behind me. In the car immediately behind, people started leaning out the windows, waving, shouting, and cursing at me. Rude gestures are commonplace everywhere, on top of reckless and aggressive driving, people running red lights, and those that just have no patience. When you get in a hurry, safety is the first thing to go.

Post Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:53 am

Driving in Utah pretty much sums it up. Worst damn drivers in the world. I'm not the best driver. Far from it. But the people I encounter on the road don't know what the hell they're doing. If there's an accident, they have to gawk. If someone just has a flat tire on the side of the road, guess what? They have to slow down and look!

Post Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:45 am

thats basically everywhere i live in new jersey people here think grand prix time 24/7 and girl friend dont let me start with those cell phones

Edited by - richard w. sabatino on 9/18/2006 8:46:28 AM

Post Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:45 am

it is the same way in Memphis - rubber-necking causes more accidents in and around Memphis than any other reason. Thankfully, I have moved out of the city and I now take back roads to work and I do not have to deal with these things much anymore.

Post Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:49 am

dear lord, wolfy comes back and nobody says hi!

Hi wolfy!

on an unrelated note, is it just me or did my post count drop

Post Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:03 pm

in the past, when wolft posted anything, we all just used to go "what???" because everything he wrote was indecipherable (except to Sir Spectre, who would kindly translate from Wolfish into English)

Road rage - it's no different here you know. too many cars on too few roads, traffic jams everywhere, constant roadworks, selfish, aggressive driving, a general lack of manners in society quite apart from on the road (am i the only person left who holds a door open for a lady and gives my seat up ona train to elferly or diabled people or mothers with small children?) We live in a selfish world where people rarely consider the needs of others.

In a spectacular and funny example of road rage, some idiot chased me all over town after he thought i'd nicked his place in a queue (i hadnt even seen him) so I drove to all sort of places and led him a right merry dance, using my handbrake to slow down when he was behind me to make him crap his pants, just for the fun of watching him rant and rave and throw himself around in his car. Some people just shouldnt be behind the wheel of a car.

Post Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:27 pm

road rage around here is non-existant as far as i've seen - the worst thing that happens is flipping the bird, which is just a polite way of saying "i disagree with your decision regarding my right of way"

and lots of people around here hold doors for others regardless of their status - in my poorly informed opinion, big city living sucks - there's no community, no manners, no traditions(other than the annual sporting-event riot) and driving is a nightmare of potholes, road work, one way streets, lack of parking and inconsiderate 'queue' stealing ****s. the only upside to the concrete termite mounds is a great diversity of culture and nightlife, but its not enough of a lure for me

Post Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:20 pm

I never left
There really isn't much road rage here. I haven't even gotten the bird.

Post Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:23 pm

The bigger the city, the more the cars, the more likly of road rage. Atlanta has had its share over the years, and its sad. Strip the rage driver of all rights to drive for 5 years. Caught driving during that time, go to jail for the 5 years. Puts a strong curbing on it then. As to those who hate to be late, Get you sorry butts out of bed early enough to not HAVE to fly down the highway. Simple, huh?

Post Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:46 pm

The state of the roads is shocking around here too, especially on the busier highways. Some people simply shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel, be it due to poor judgement, a particularaly volatile temper or (far more commonly) simply being far too stupid to be entrusted with a car. About 3-4 weeks ago I witnessed a driver pull out of a junction into two lanes of traffic travelling the other way . No foreign plates, so can't use unfamiliarity with driving on the proper side of the road as an excuse.

When the inevitable happened and they hit another car, fortunately neither party was visibly injured. This driver did however then jump out his car and start shouting furiously at the other guy, and it took at least a couple of minutes for him to notice the hundreds of other cars jammed up behind were also travelling in the "wrong" direction. Scary.

I gave up putting my life in other people's hands a while ago, and now I take the train and tube into work. It's easy enough to get to Canary Wharf on the tube - London Transport isn't all that bad - and it doesn't entail the risk of being slaughtered by some incompetent behind the wheel of a couple of tons of metal.

Post Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:25 pm

Speaking of rage, I was pulling out of my driveway to go to the store. I get out on the road, and these snot-nosed little trolls in their fancy-pants new car, instead of slowing down, pass me. On a two-lane road! That didn't allow passing on either side! I gave them two fingers and honked the horn. They pull in to the same parking I was going to. When I parked, they tried to give me the look. I think one started to open the door. I got out of my car and they shut the door, and took off. Damned teenagers. I'm really getting sick and tired of these spoiled little brats here in Highland. Especially ones that don't have the stomach for a fight. They ran because I was bigger than they were, and I think they knew I could do more damage to them than they could do to me. I'm not big with muscles, just big. I may be out of shape, but I can still move. I also have experience in the martial arts and some military training. They wouldn't have stood a chance. I really didn't need this s**t today.

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