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Honor the Victims of 9/11

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Sep 11, 2006 6:55 pm

Honor the Victims of 9/11

We must never forget what happened that day 5 years ago. Please honor them.

Post Tue Sep 12, 2006 1:46 am

well, that's very true, we must never forget; it was truly awful, I for one could hardly believe what I was seeing, and in some ways it still seems so incredible it's like some horrible dream, that one day we'll all wake up and it won't have happened and the world took a different course. And it's spawned in it's wake more horrors - the world certainly is not the same, things have just got worse, not better.

I still think quite often about the people who were trapped above the fires, who had to make the choice between burning to death or jumping to their deaths, yet with several hours to go in which they knew they'd never see their families again. Isn't it incredible how much of that imagery was edited out of mainstream news broadcasts? We could cope with watching a building collapse, but not a man falling to his death? Surely it's the deaths that were the tragedy, not the buildings? I see by the way that the identity of the "falling man" was finally established...

Some of our members here were eye-witnesses to the events of that day, some of us have been to the site and know people who lived through it, and all of us in some ways in some ways live with consequences of what happened, some more than others. I've paid my respects in New York, in the vast empty space where there were once huge towers; please if you wish pay your respects here, but out of consideration for the dead and our own rules at TLR, keep it decent. We've had flaming before in Sept 11th threads and it's terribly disrespectful, you know.

Post Tue Sep 12, 2006 5:04 am

i for one used to work on 5th ave in mid town . not near the twin towers. but this is my little bit. i qiut my job on 5 th ave in july of 2001 beause my wife lives in the boondocks of new jersey about 2 hours away from manhatten. so i was starting a new job at wal-mart when the it happened needless to say im not with wal-mart anymore. but that tragety cost new york and the world a lot grief.

Post Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:50 am

I still remember 9/11 like it was yesterday. My neigbhor (pretty sure I spelled that wrong) and good friend was on the plane that hit the Pentagon. I knew he would be out of town for a good while, so it wasn't until about a month after the attack that I found out.

But I remember, on that day I was in the hospital in downtown Atlanta just about to get a test done on my heart when I saw the doctor's jaw drop. There was a barely audible radio in the room, and he looked at my mother after she asked what was wrong, and he told her that a plane had just hit the World Trade Center. I remember thinking it must have been some kind of computer problem because planes are supposed to be flying high enough to avoid skyscrapers. After they finished the test and we were getting ready to leave, as I walked out into the waiting room, I saw on the TV another plane crashing into the second tower. That's when I thought "My God, we're at war." Of course, a little while after that we'd made it home and then I found out that another plane had hit the Pentagon, and that another one had dissapeared, which I later learned to be United 93.

It was almost eerie the next few days, as I'm used to hearing planes all the time, but there was this silence, and it was wierd. If I had a way to get to New York City and visit Ground Zero, I would. If I could make it to DC right now, I'd go to the memorial at the Pentagon. It was just wierd adjusting to the change. All my life I had known New York City by two famous landmarks; the Statue of Liberty and the World Trade Center. After I heard about the first plane I thought "how long is it going to take them to repair the damage?" (At this time I was still thinking it was a Cessna or a small plane like that.) I never would have thought that three hours later two American landmarks in two different cities would be the worst tragities the United States had ever seen.

It just doesn't seem like it's been five years. There are plenty of political things I could be ranting about right now, but I just won't. This isn't the place or the time for that.

Post Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:55 pm

I remember i was in Elementary at the time. they never told us a thing either. i got home and i found out. It angered me that they tried to hide it from us. still, at the time i was only 8, so i didn't understand the full implications of what i was seeing.Now it saddens me that so many lives have been wasted because of it.

All grumpy rants subject to copyright.
The Shroud©/RvB TMC©

Post Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:16 pm

Shroud, most young children would not understand what it was all about, or would undully worry some, therefore its wise not to revieal it, and leave it to your parents to let you know, and if nessisary, to explain what happened.

Post Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:42 pm

This summer I got a chance to go to New York and see the Ground Zero site (it's just a huge pit now, but the sheer size of it is awe-inspiring) and I got to meet two people who were there on that day (one was in Tower 2 when it happened). Their stories were incredible, as it's the kinda stuff that the news and Hollywood can never describe. Just being there put it all into persepctive, made it seem all the more real to me.

Also, my uncle was in the Pentagon on that day as well. He was at the time working at the Department of Defense (he was Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Resources and Plans division, and thus was very close to Rumsfeld's office) and so he was on the opposite side of the building when the plane hit. Still, he heard and felt it when it happened, and I got a chance to talk to him about it some this summer. He knew a couple of the people who died that day.

Anyways, it is very important to me to remember what happened that day, and do everything we can to prevent it from happening again (whatever that may be).

(Also, for anyone who's interested, I saw that United 93 movie over the weekend, and it was a very, very good movie. It was very apolitical, and really did an excellent job of capturing the events of the day and specifically the heroic actions of those on that plane with a minimum of fictionalization.)

Post Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:58 am

All these in memoria should be for all of the innocent victims of war, be the war a formally declared one with clearly identified combatants or a series of terrorist attacks in which fighters melt into the crowd of innocents.

Post Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:59 am

Guys, I really don't mean to be cruel, but that was five years ago! These victims of that horrendous attack are gone. forgotten in the midsts of time. does anyone still honour the glorious dead such as Achilles? NO! Because that was in the past!! Now, I know I'm gonna be bate black and blue for sayin this, but there really is no good in crying over spilt milk

"The Emperor will show you the true nature of the Force. He is your master now."

Post Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:03 am

you may not mean it, but you are. show some compassion for God's sake. you wouldn't be saying that if it was your family. sorry if a major tragedy bores you, perhaps you'd prefer some cartoons instead?

I've never seen as insensitive and thoughtless a post as yours. I said above, to show some respect, and gave reasons why. clearly your attention span is five minutes, not five years. I'm disgusted by your appalling attitude.

Post Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:29 am

A purpose for remembeing the lose, in addition to coping with it, is to try an never repeat it. Like the addage, Those who fail to remember history, are doomed to repeat it.

And the more emotional aspect my little friend, is you didn't lose someone, so it means less o you, but if it was your Father, or brother that died, this day would serve to drive home the loss, that they are never coming back.

If any don't wish to have a rememberance, please do the others a favor and not posting here please.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/17/2006 11:29:40 AM

Post Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:40 pm

I remember I was in 1st grade. I came home from school and saw it on the news. I was so sad I felt so bad. From that day I wished I could go back in time to tell everyone about it and stop the terroists.

Post Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:18 pm

On one hand, I agree, it was five years ago, people should move on, but they should never forget what happened. To tell people to get over it is arrogant and cruel. A lot of people can't "get over it." A lot of people lost loved ones in the attack. To post such a cruel message, you dishonor their memory. If I had the power, I would have banned you for that Hakkera. *Flame edited out by moderator*

Edit - Mee, that was as bad as what he wrote. Please be nice as well.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/20/2006 5:44:42 AM

Post Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:20 pm

On the other hand, since I firmly believe in NO gods, sure. I admit it was a horrific attack, but the way America dealt with it was completely wrong, by maintaining a constant state of emergency, I have come to think, with sorrow, that America is rapidly becoming a state like Germany in the 20s 30s and 40s (ie. Nazi Germany). Just think about it. Swap Hitler for Bush, Auschwitz for Guantanamo, and Goebbels for Bush's party, and there you have it! Another thing which demonstrates this is the new law on war criminals, which means they will no longer be treated like the humans they are in your country. (BTW I am not a radical Muslim, just a simple Irishman who, like many of his countrymen, is enraged at America's sending planes through Shannon
which is a complete breach of our Neutrality! However, that is our government's fault, not yours) I know this is causing a storm, but this is just the opinion which I, as a human, am entitled to.

"The Emperor will show you the true nature of the Force. He is your master now."

Post Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:00 pm

would it be OK if i came to your mothers funeral and told everyone what a slut she was, and to get over it because she died a few days past? - by your standards that would appear to be quite acceptable (its a rhetorical/facetious question designed to bludgeon you over the head with a litle common courtesy)

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