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Post Thu Sep 07, 2006 1:24 pm


in Tawakalnistan and the surrounding regios of the United Kingdoms, Harvest festivals are currently being celebrated. I find them a rather charming reminder of a simpler time when people were closer to the means of food production, although mostly they tend to nowadays consist of children bringing the odd spare can of processed peas or Green Giant sweetcorn. Occasionally however you'll find someone's made the effort to make a decent corn-dolly and put on a decent spread, the proceeds usually going to charity. there's something rather haram about corn-dollies in my opinion but it's the thought that counts I suppose!

Are harvest festivals still celebrated in your neck of the woods? Does anyone still make the effort?

Incidentally, there was a proper harvest-moon shining tonight, which was pleasant to see, and if you were lucky, a partial lunar eclipse too. I didn't see it, too early and too low, obscured by the houses and trees sadly. I never see any of this stuff, it's either in the wrong position, or the wrong time of day, or it's overcast and raining.

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:22 am

Yeah, i saw the moon, never seen it so big before O_o. harvest festival is seen to in the schools, at least it was in my own school, had a maypole and morris dancers, i think its always been a thing here in kent anyway.

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:42 am

We don't have harvest fastivals that I know of.
We've got a wild flower festival this weekend though.

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:54 am

We used to do it at our lower school - all proceeds went to the local homeless refuge though. Kids brought in baskets filled with tinned goods and other such things, there was a Church service in the evenings at the local Church (right next to the school, small school) and you used to partake in the service, and then bring out the goods to donate to the local homeless charity.

Fresh foodstuffs went off before they could really utilise them, and back then not as much fresh fruit was consumed anyways - so it was nearly always tinned goods.

We used to make said Corn Dollies as well, I still have one around somewhere , everyone used to make them when they were about 8 or so, although i cannot seem to remember much about harvest festivals other than the long and dull service that went with them (me not being even slightly religious).

I think they still do it, but I haven't seen any corn dolls for quite some time. Maybe that died out with our old headmaster i guess... he was very traditional, and very good.

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:16 pm

how can you have a maypole at harvest-festival? Morris dancers though, they can be part of it, although they're again more associated with the spring and summer.

yes I know Kent is still quite traditional in these respects, it is still the Garden of England, after all. Tawakalnistan was briefly located there, if you recall?

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 1:47 pm

yeah, you should relocate here again, it needs someone with a strong hand to clean things up, where i am has been named the murder capital of kent :/

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:07 pm

hey taw if you are ever in the new jersey area email me because we have the best new jersey sweet corn in my neck of the woods . right now in my area its victorian days in town thats where everybody dresses up in victorian clothing and show there old victorian houses me i dont live in town so i have nothing to show off . but right now we got apple picking and in october we got haunted hey rides and we cant forget the nj sweet corn hmmmm.for details go to and check out warren county. sweet corn mmmmmmm. hey by the way i like the changes you guys did to the forums. mmmmmm sweet corn

Edited by - richard w. sabatino on 9/8/2006 8:09:09 PM

Post Sat Sep 09, 2006 9:37 am

effs: it went to the dogs after I left!

rich: i certainly will, colleague, if I'm ever that way, I've always wanted to see rural New Joysey but we never quite seem to make it out of Manhattan, the best I've managed so far is Newark International Airport and Joysey City - I'm afraid that the shops and restaurants of the Big Apple are rather too much an attraction for Mrs Taw, and consequently an enormous drain on the Tawakalnistani economy, and we have to rescue stranded Insurance Men and make sure they get home in one piece.

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