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Your favourite TV channels!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Sep 04, 2006 7:16 am

Your favourite TV channels!

What are your favourite TV channels, tell us them here!

Ill start:

Sky One for programs like 'The Simpsons'.

Post Mon Sep 04, 2006 7:39 am

i like the sci fi channel after that the fox news channel the spin stops there.

Post Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:55 am

11Alive, local channel that is NBC affiliate. *Only one that comes in good on antena.

Post Mon Sep 04, 2006 2:25 pm

History Channel mostly... spike and sci-fi after that.

Post Mon Sep 04, 2006 4:35 pm

G4,History,HistoryInternational,Military channel,Sci-Fi.

Post Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:08 pm

Al-Jazeera (ppv)
Channel 4
IRIB (that's Iranian TV via satellite feed)
RAI (Italian State TV via satellite)
Al-Manar TV
History Channel
National Geographic
FX (it has the occasional good series)
TASS (via satellite)

I've tried to avoid Murdoch channels where I can but unf as he owns just about everything now, I haven't got a great deal of choice, unless I d/l everything, and then what would become of Mrs Taw's property programmes and garden squads? But apart from the Sky digital mini-dish, I have a 1.5m motorised dish on top the of extention, which gets signals from satellites at quite impressive distances, and a DMAC-2 decoder. I can get Middle-Eastern feeds quite well, although any further and it gets very patchy, so not much chance of getting NHK then.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 9/12/2006 2:21:30 PM

Post Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:24 pm

i see the history channel mentioned several times but i don't understand why - when they're not playing documentaries about the history of preserved food or some other harmless topic they're cheerleading george bush and doing the usual half and half WWII/revolutionary war documentaries. talk about rewriting history - when you own the 'History' channel you can change history to your hearts content.

my favorite channels are cnn, comedy central, cartoon network, turner classic movies and sometimes american movie classics(because some of what they call classic is just trash). a lot of channels are using invasive popup-inspired ads during the actual program now - TBS, and TNT being the worst offenders. I don't see much future for television really - as the internet becomes more dominant people will get their news and entertainment on demand

Post Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:39 am

ABC (four letters: L-O-S-T)
History Channel
CNN (Yeah, I don't do FOX News)
Discovery (mostly for Survivorman and I Shouldn't Be Alive)
Cartoon Network (For Adult Swim only, I love Robot Chicken, Futurama and Family Guy. Didn't Futurama and Family originally premere on FOX?)

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot...

Showtime (Penn & Teller, Brotherhood)
HBO (Rome, and I'm finally starting to get into Deadwood)
Encore (Pretty much all the movie channels because I can get full length, unedited quality movies. I tried watching Gangs of New York on NBC and it made me sick to my stomach everything that they did to it.)

Edited by - Killa on 9/5/2006 10:44:18 AM

Post Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:29 am

When I get to watch television, here is what I usually go for

FOX News
Game Show (for the wife)
Cartoon Network
Comedy Central
HGTV (since I now own a home)

Post Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:36 am

I agree with what CV says about History Channel, but it's better than nothing, despite its' militaristic and reactionary stance, and occasionally they do have the odd "gem" like The World At War and The Nazis: A Warning From History, although the constant repetiton does become rather irksome. They haven't repeated Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe for a while though, which is a shame.

Post Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:53 am

Don't really watch a lot of TV, I've got perhaps two or three channels I'd say I watch.

> BBC 1, mainly just for the news and Match of the Day.
> UK G2, which for the last few months has been showing Top Gear, Have I Got News For You, Never Mind The Buzzcocks and QI all one after the other every evening. That's what I call a line up, and it's more than enough for me.

I can't actually think of any more, would be happy just paying for the above two channels. Of course that isn't going to happen, and Sky will continue to make hundreds of pounds broadcasting endless supplies of mind-rotting "lifestyle" and reality TV programmes to my living room. Or, as many people with more than two brain cells to rub together like to call it, horse sh!t...

Post Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:59 am

never mind, you can come on a visa to Tawakalnistan and watch Al-Jazeera with me. Or any one of the many hundreds of other satellite channels that we get (but don't actually pay for....)

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:32 am

Eh, it does suck Accus, right now we're paying for about 120 channels that we don't need, don't even want. Hopefully Dish Network will put into action their plan that lets you pick what channels you want (without having to select a package) and just pay a set price for each channel. (With the exception of Starz, HBO, Showtime and the channels like that.)

Post Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:12 am

Unfortunately they'll never do that, it's the hundreds of extra channels they make the money on. You may only want UK Gold for a few old-time comedies but you end up buying the "Entertainment" package that will get you all the reality TV and episodes of Big Brother you'll ever need. They can then charge you £15 a month for this package because it contains however many hundred channels, despite the fact that you only want one and will never watch the others.

I'm actually on the verge of cancelling my subscription; £30 a month and nine times out of ten I watch terrestrial TV anyway...

Post Sat Sep 09, 2006 9:30 am

why don't you get a Freeview box then, Accushot? They're only about £40 in Woolies, I was looking at them the other day.

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