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Smoke''s no joke for Tom and Jerry..

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:48 am

When I was a cigarette smoker (3 packs a day) I remember that when I saw a movie or tv show in which the actors also were smoking, I would reach for my pack and light one up without even thinking about it.

And if I didn't have smokes on me (a rare thing when one supports a 3 pack a day habit) and I saw such a scene in a movie or on tv, I would rach for the pack and notice that I didn't have any cigarettes. Then, I would become distracted while I considered whether to get a pack to smoke or to not have one. Either way, the addiction to smoking (my version of it anyway) was quite clear.

But... I already was habituated to tobacco smoking. As far as I know, what caused me to start smoking in the first place was not cartoons or movies with smoking scenes but ... to look cool and hang out with friends who smoked so that I could feel more like I belonged, etc. It certainly wasn't stress. I don't think we even thought about stress when I was 15 (the year I started).

I went cold turkey and quit haven't smoked since then. But in the first years after I quit, I couldn't watch a movie or a cartoon that had smoking scenes in it without really wanting to have a smoke.

So.... I cannot say that visual images of Tom and Jerry smoking cigarettes made me take up tobacco smoking but I can say that while I was smoking and for a good long while after I quit smoking, those images gave me a very strong desire to light one up and smoke again.

Post Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:58 am

really? what a gift of information; thank you so much! next time I'm in your neck of the woods I'm going to bombard you with fond recollections of that cool tobacco taste..

I never get nicotine cravings from seeing images of people smoking; I get a regular craving every two hours, like clockwork, regardless of circumstances. As you can imagine, long-haul flights are real bind as a result, although i doubt I'll be doing that much anymore (and the DVT doesn't exactly help, either...)

Edited by - Tawakalna Qubt-ut Allah on 8/29/2006 1:48:21 PM

Post Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:11 pm

topher/Dawg - Bugs and Co. were also into genetic experimentation as I recall. Remember the "Mr. Hyde" Bugs that is created after BB is exposed to the Formula? In any case, such displays of scientific research should be shunned and censored in children's shows, lest the children watching begin to see science as being a good thing and turn their backs upon the proven truth of Intelligent Design.

As for pockets... Well, rabbits have to keep their GB "nip flasks" and wallets somewhere.

Post Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:45 pm

It was a different time then. They shouldnt cause problems now for what used to be normal then

I HATE the amount of "politcal correctness" people go to these days.

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