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Just My luck... (Technical Discussion)

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sat Aug 05, 2006 3:35 am

Just My luck... (Technical Discussion)

Just finished setting up my parents new theatre system (New Widescreen LCD TV, surround sound, all the little shiny doodads, you know what im talking about! This and this. Yea, you know...).

Now, in order to demonstrate the newfound prowess of the TV (Mostly my setup of aformetioned TV and surround sound system), by hooking my Laptop up to it.

Immediately my dad thinks that the speakers are going to explode because of some odd noise the moment i connect the audio cable (Yes i connected it properly).
Not only that, my laptop grinds to a complete and utter halt, and starts accepting mouse and keyboard input only once every 2 seconds!

In utter, utter confusion, i disconnect the laptop, and remove it to my room, where, after about 30 seconds, it decides to run fine. i take it back into the lounge room, and it freezes again. Trying to operate the (Now paralyzed) computer shows that the WLAN card has shut down without me ordering it to. I remove the comuter from the room (again), disable the wireless, and take it back in.

Lo and behold, both speakers and laptop now run fine.

I immediately assume that the problem lies within my laptop's 2.4GHz wireless card, and the theatre system's wireless speaker tranciever. I do a little research, and find that LG decided (Rather stupidly, i might add), to conviniently place the operating frequency of the wireless base station in the same operating frequency as my WLAN card (And, operational WLAN network).

Does this strike anyone as odd?

Post Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:49 am

no, not odd at all they can only use the frequencies they are allowed to use for there products the government and military reserve some and others are harmful to humans or current tech can't handle so it's not surprising at all to me, what does surprise me is that it didn't burn up one or both of the transmitters easy to do with the right circumstances and second-rate parts that commonly show up in over-priced products

Post Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:22 am

Actually, I belive this is on purpose. I haven't found the original artical I was looking for, but this is similar -

TV meets the wireless home network

Sep 15, 2003 12:00 PM

Faster wireless home networks - now reaching the speed of 54 megabits per second and beyond - may soon carry high-quality video streams to a new generation of television receivers.


The PD342 Plasma TV from Kiss has integrated support for Internet protocol data that can be directly accessed on the Web or through a wireless Ethernet connection.

At a recent German trade show (IFA), Kiss Technology, a Scandinavian DVD manufacturer, provided a hint of what engineers are planning. Kiss showed a new 42-inch plasma TV with integrated support for Internet protocol data that can be directly accessed on the Web or through a wireless Ethernet connection.

The set, which supports HDTV and includes a built-in DVD player, would allow connection to a home network, as well as access to video and music files and digital photos stored on a personal computer.

During its technology demonstration, Kiss didn’t specify the price but said its product- called the PD342 Plasma TV- would be available in Denmark in November. Industry observers expect it to be the first of a new breed of products, with several manufacturers showing similar models in the coming months.

For more information, visit:

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