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Name That Movie2: Hell on earth

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:19 am

Name That Movie2: Hell on earth

Oh yes its that time once again! The movie game show on the off topic forum is back! just like a zombie or a deadbet dad, "Name That movie" is going give life one more shot!

The rules are semple
one person recants a part in a POPLUAR
movie or show, then everyone else trys to work out
witch one its from. we keep doing this until the admin ether locks the
forum or one of us take it down

oh and here are some guildelines

Lets try not to stray too close to anime, That crap barely makes since anyways

No Porno movies, thats kind of a duh but we most be thrio

Remember POPLUAR! movies and shows!

And have fun, remember your lazy ass has to get up tomorrow and all the time you spent on this computer is going to make work a BOTCH!

\/\/ If you like to start us off or make a smart ass remark, plz type it here \/\/

Edited by - Lancer Rex on 7/5/2006 2:21:42 AM

Edited by - Lancer Rex on 7/5/2006 10:01:41 PM

Post Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:41 am

*Throws meat cleaver into man's back, he falls to the ground.*

"That, my friends, is the minority vote." *Picks up club.*

"You see this? Noch number forty-five. This is you, you Irish bug-bastard."

*Smashes man's head in with club. Picks up hat off ground.*

"Why don't ya burn him? See if his ashes turn green."

Post Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:23 am

ah right aghhh crap I forgot what it was called but I know what your talking about.

Post Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:40 am

Gangs of New York

Question: Is this like e-charades?

Next one:
*Takes out the pin, counts to five- "Three, sir, three!" -and hurls it at his enemy*

People who take drugs are bad.

Damn customs agents

EDIT: Yes, it is from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Lancer, if I had given any more, it would have been immediately obvious what the film was. Well done, Rec.

Edited by - The Evil Thing on 7/6/2006 11:57:06 AM

Post Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:45 pm

Answer: Hell no, this has nothing to do w/ that.

REMEMBER POPLUAR! "Gangs of NewYork" now that I remember, was not will not and is not a POPLUAR movie.

Evil thing i have no idea what your movie is, Y don't you give more of the movie like killa did.

Post Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:56 pm

Rex, just because you don't remember it doesn't mean it's not a popular movie. Gangs of New York was easily one of 2002's best and most popular movies. Hell, it's one of the best movies of all time. (I know, reviews were kind of mixed, so this might be why you didn't remember it. Some people like me loved it, while others hated it.)

Post Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:43 pm

Lancer Rex...Maybe you should be more open to other people's tastes...To quote you..."No crap like it's a wonderfull life"...Seriously, maybe be more open to everyone and a bit more friendly, and you'll have more success with your game...And FYI, Gangs of New York was a very good and very popular movie...

Post Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:08 pm

Thank you Para.

Post Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:26 pm

mmmmm... back to the game at hand though.

could it be an obscure extract from "the battle of the somme", whilst its a very old movie, they did seem to say hat occasionally

Post Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:45 am

TET, is that the holy hand grenade scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

Post Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:35 am

Gargh, damn you for making me edit that part stupid good person!

But alass your right ....."It's a woulderfull life" was not an cool movie, but it was a heart warming classic that i had no right bashing. (grabs chest and hisses)

Ok lets back off from that subject and back to the show!

Lower The globe!

(bash)......Congralations numb nuts, you have sucessfully turned me into a freaking jack in the box!

(stubles around the room w/ a globe stuck on his head)

(gets globe off)......Lower the metor!

(metor flys from a corner of the room and hits charector right in the goods)

why to go! A HOLE!!!!!

(kicks object on the ground) GOD DAMN IT!!!

Post Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:31 am

That'd be Austin Powers in Goldmember.

"Is there any risk of brain damage?"
"Well, technically speaking, the operation is brain damage, but on a par with a night of heavy drinking. Nothing you'll miss."

"Drink up, young man. It'll make the whole seduction part less repugnant."

"Adults are a combination of sadness and phobias"

"(She) hates me. I've never been popular with the ladies."
"Maybe if you stopped stealing their panties..."

"I had a really nice time last night."
"I had the best f**king night of my entire f**king life last night!"
"That's better!"

Post Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:13 am

Sounds like eternal sunshine of the spotless mind to me

A: "They say so much, but they never tell you if it's any good... are either one of these any good?"
(B ignores her)
B: What?
A: Are either one of these any good?
B: I don't watch movies.
A: Well, have you heard anything about either one of them?
B: I find it's best to stay out of other people's affairs.
A: You mean you've haven't heard anybody say anything about either one of these?
B: Nope.
A: (Turns around, then shows B the same movies) Well, what about these two?
B: Oh, they suck.
A: These are the same two movies! You weren't paying any attention!
B: No, I wasn't.
A: I don't think your manager would appreciate...
B: I don't appreciate your ruse, ma'am.
A: I beg your pardon?
B: Your ruse; your cunning attempt to trick me.
A: I was only pointing out that you weren't paying any attention to what I was saying!
B: And I hope it feels good.
A: You hope WHAT feels good?
B: I hope it feels so good to be right. There's nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?
A: Well, this is the last time I rent here!
B: You'll be missed.
A: Screw you!
B: (runs to the door) Hey! You're not allowed to rent here anymore!

Edited by - Recusant on 7/6/2006 11:14:37 AM

Post Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:59 pm

well, that's Clerks.

A: ...What is best in life?
B: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

Post Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:40 pm

you need to gave a little more movie than that!
eh... braveheart!

Edited by - Lancer Rex on 7/6/2006 2:43:05 PM

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