how do you deal with it
the date for me is the 26th of june 2006 its 9:26am on a thursday morning and right now im supposed to be writing areport on the construction of two coal fire
powerplants near the town of collie in western australia
yet... i find myself talking to the community of The lancers reactor
because this morning i found that two 16 year old girl apparently walked into the police station yesterday afternoon and confessed to the murder of another student suspected to be a 15 year old girl whom has been missing for 4 or so days
this shocks me because its so close to home... some people may see muder and people being killed almost everyday but for me this is a first,this kind of thing doesn't hapen very often here, i've only ever know one person personaly to die and that was my grandfather, and now that i think of it. my grandmother doesn't have that much longer to go, i didn't see this personally but the victim (possibly) was the daughter of a friend of my mothers so it does affect me someway
so how do you deal with it?
has this ever happend to you?
iamthe alpha and the omega
Edited by - MACC on 6/21/2006 6:54:57 PM
powerplants near the town of collie in western australia
yet... i find myself talking to the community of The lancers reactor
because this morning i found that two 16 year old girl apparently walked into the police station yesterday afternoon and confessed to the murder of another student suspected to be a 15 year old girl whom has been missing for 4 or so days
this shocks me because its so close to home... some people may see muder and people being killed almost everyday but for me this is a first,this kind of thing doesn't hapen very often here, i've only ever know one person personaly to die and that was my grandfather, and now that i think of it. my grandmother doesn't have that much longer to go, i didn't see this personally but the victim (possibly) was the daughter of a friend of my mothers so it does affect me someway
so how do you deal with it?
has this ever happend to you?
iamthe alpha and the omega
Edited by - MACC on 6/21/2006 6:54:57 PM