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Question of Questions

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:15 am

Question of Questions

I've got a question for y'all. How the hell do you get fired from a temp agency?! I was removed from a position last week and called up Kelly Services(temp agency) to get a new job. I was supposed to start today, but they called me up and told me that they were terminating my records. I worked at eBay through them, and was removed from that project then I was removed from my SECOND job through them, due to performance issues. Well, when you're calling people to get them to see if they want to go back to college and they don't want to talk to you, that's not my fault. So, when I heard the branch manager from Kelly Services tell me I was being terminated, I told her to piss off and then I hung up the phone. Honestly? I'm not really all that pissed. After I hung up the phone, I started feeling better.

"He's a freak, ladies and gentlemen! He's a freak!"

Post Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:53 am

NOT a good way to handle yourself. Remeber the addage, of not burning a bridge behind you? You may need to one day go back that way.

Personaly, I would suck it up, call back and apologise, explaining stress and ask the details of being let go. A learning experiance here if you were removed from 2 jobs.

Also reconsider the comunications field, you need VERY good patence dealing with callers these days.

Post Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:04 am

Tried to post a reply previous to this- for some reason, it got lost, so I'll do this the short version.

That sucks- temps are a resource that both agencies and employers need to be a little more considerate of.

and, FD- I think he was speaking of outbound calling. Even if you're just asking folks to take a survey ( NOT selling anything at all!) it can be really tough, and can result in being called all kinds of unfortunate names if you call at the wrong time. Outbound calling is , imho, the hardest sales field to be in - survey or not.

OK, seem to be filtered, so I'll say it here in the edit:

"Mez, I'd actually try to ask what it is that you did wrong... and listen to feedback. We're not all perfect, and it can be helpful to know where your achillies heel is with regards to employers." Quote by Chips-

Sometimes, they're not interested in providing feedback- all you get is the Geeking report.. and nothing more. Might be different 'over there', but here, its the warm body principle as far as temp agencies are concerned. Granted that we might be discussing those who don't neccessarily have a college degree - or even if you do!- if you're good at what you do, why should that be a problem? Attendance is an issue, but if there are extenuating circumstances- such as the loss of a family member, or the other difficulties that Mez has mentioned- would you not think that this could qualify as an 'Issue'?

In the current world, temps by and large provide the substrate that a great many 'Clients' of the temp houses depend on. Imho, there is nothing wrong with asking that the house ( or client) understand that you might need a little time to get straightend(sp?) out.

All this having been said, I don't know Mez ( to use the familiar - hope you don't mind) as well as you might- but I'm a temp, myself. And I know what it's like to get hammered as he did.

Would a mod care to address the (supposed) filtering issue with me?

Apologies to those who might feel inconvenienced by my Rants...

Edited by - Fred the Dead on 6/20/2006 8:58:21 AM

Edited by - Fred the Dead on 6/21/2006 10:59:22 AM

Edited by - Fred the Dead on 6/24/2006 12:42:17 PM

Post Mon Jun 19, 2006 2:54 pm

Mez, I'd actually try to ask what it is that you did wrong... and listen to feedback. We're not all perfect, and it can be helpful to know where your achillies heel is with regards to employers.
Short temper
Time keeping
etc the list could go on, but those are the top three usually.

If you can find out what was the cause of loosing jobs/contract - then you can work on it. If not, then maybe it'll repeat!

Post Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:01 am

@ Mee....

I think the replies above are all very good suggestions. In your post you said that there were "performance issue" mentioned. You should be able to have them spelled out for you. The idea isn't to argue about whether they are right or wrong about those issues (since the damage already has been done).

Besides, the objective is to get a handle on their perspective and what they "saw" from it.

Going to the technical question of whether it is realistically possible to be fired from a temp agency, the answer is yes but it isn't the same as a regular firing if you were permanently employed somewhere. Basically your right to make any claim for benefits from the temp agency (if any were provided, i.e. health insurance, etc. except as may be required of them to offer to you to pay for on your own under COBRA) have been terminated.

Post Wed Jun 21, 2006 1:46 pm

Well, at the time I thought it was the most rediculous thing I've ever heard of. I've never heard of anyone being being terminated from a temp agency before. I've pretty much gotten over it. I really can't do anything but laugh about it now. As for their reasons, it's kind of a moot point now, as you've said, Indy, the damage is done. Oh, well. There are other places that I can get a job at, now that I've got my car back, finally.

Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:36 am

Sorry, but the joke must be said:
It was gone?
*prepares self for thwaks*

The SpaceNuts always return.

Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:25 am

*chases boomerang one with crappy van* Stop running, you! :p

Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:46 am

it's threads like these that kinda remind me how forunate i am to have a good car

Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:01 pm

I know what you mean and agree fully.

The SpaceNuts always return.

Post Thu Jun 22, 2006 3:29 pm

Wolfys got a car??

Darn, times flying by too fast now. *Fumbles for remote*

Post Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:24 am

Sort of. I think he drives a greyhound.

The SpaceNuts always return.

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